+671 It makes me sad when English is someone's second language, but they can spell better than half of the English speaking population... Truly, truly sad. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

that's because they learned to speak it from books, not streets

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Technically we learn from books too. Most of us were taught how to spell by either reading or from teachers in elementary school, but it bothers me when someone knows how to spell, but doesn't even try to spell anything right because it takes less effort I guess.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i did not mean it literally -_- i was just summing up the reason

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why wood that make you sad? He is more smart than I could so They should speak it more good.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Like Sarah Palin on her Twitter?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Twitter has a character limit. 140 characters isn't much

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Twitter may have a character limit, but you can only defend her intelligence with that excuse for so long.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh, I LOL'd so hard.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, her tweets are really sloppy. Not just the spelling, either; I couldn't make any of her recent controversial ones out. I think the controversy is more around trying to decipher them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Frankly, I don't really care much about Mrs.(?) Palin. What she says, is what she says . That's none of my business unless I can make a pun out of it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That would be me :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lol :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, but seriously. Go read my posts/profile - can you tell English isn't my first language?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I went to your profile right after your first comment. I think it's amazing how great you are at English. You must be really smart!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

haha not really, I just used to live in Barbados.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with the first comment, and I have more to add to it as well. Most people who speak another language (mostly the people who learn a language late in life, through formal textbooks, lessons, etc) have a forward interest in learning the language. They are actively pursuing it. Therefor, they are likely to be more studious than someone who just kind of accidentally learns it by default. Even if you go to the comments on a foreign YouTube video, you will see slang and abbreviation everywhere. For example, the Spanish word "qué" being spelled as just "k." Or in French, using "c'est" to describe something plural, when technically it is "ce sont."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's true. :D

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Like me :D My English is always As

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I feel sorry for people who have to learn English as a second language. English is so confusing and seems like the hardest language to learn. All the exceptions to grammar rules and hard spelling probably takes up so much of your memory. There needs to be a universal language that is really simple to learn. That would take away many problems.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I actually think English is easy :) but my first language, on the other hand... The second hardest in the entire world -_- and also, by universal language do you mean like how they tried esperanto a while back?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I imagine it having the structures of Japanese and Greek. The language would have distinct characters for each vowel and consonant, and "ch" and "sh". And some words would have a small picture that would only be one character that would describe them. Like a flower would be an "x" with a long line going vertically down the middle. Kind of like Japanese kanji, but simple and looking like the word. And almost every word except for some articles would have two bases. And every base would sound like it represents. And past tense or other forms would all be the same. English is tricky with past tense forms. Why is it "ran" and not "runned"? Or "drove" and not "drived"? Those are just my two cents. I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to linguistics, hahaha.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm serbian. I have no accent, and I have no accent. I get A's in my english class.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Very sad

by Anonymous 8 years ago