+323 abortion is bad, people should just put their babies up for adoption if they dont want them, not kill it, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You cant kill something thats already alive. And there are already tons of kids without parents waiting to be adopted so why should we add to that list?? That is wrong. You shouldnt bring a child into a loveless world

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Woops, meant *not yet alive

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Just because its not out in the world doesn't justify it. It's still a human being, with little hands and feet and a heart.. Abortion is like saying nobody wanted you, adoption is saying somebody didn't want you but somebody else does. Its a second chance. And a much better choice than abortion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

are you moronic? you can't abort a baby when it's that far along.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes believe me, i know you cant abort a baby that far along. Ever hear of exaggeration?? Just trying to get my point across like -___-

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The fetus is NOT able to function on its own yet so its not really alive and it doesnt have a brain developed enough to actually have thoughts!! So the baby isnt thinking to itself once it somehow figures out its being aborted, "Oh no nobody wanted me!"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thank you for sharing your opinion on this topic. I completely agree with you. I also wanted to say that if I were to get raped, i would get an abortion. I'm not going to stop my life and career to have a baby that was not even supposed to come about in the first place. I think the choice of having an abortion should still be available for women because some people just can't take care of a child. Plus, I'd rather be out earning a living than in raising a child that I wasn't supposed to have.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You do realize that it can't know it wasn't wanted if it was aborted. Because it's dead.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Exactly, how can you call it dead? you can't kill something that was never alive. That's why we can't "kill" virus', only prevent them. and you can prevent pregnancy. but you shouldn't "prevent" birth. so in order to kill something it must be alive. Abortion is murder.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think I may have worded that wrong. I'm not going to try to define when something is alive, because I think that is totally up for interpretation. What I meant to say is that it can't know it was unwanted because it was never aware of it's own existence. For the record, I only support abortion in when the mother has been raped or can't safely carry the baby full term, but I'm pro choice because if we banned abortion, pregnant women would still get illegal abortions instead of safer ones at clinics.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

it doesn't matter it if knows it or not, its dead. it was cheated out of a chance to live because it's father did something wrong. if your father stole a car would it be right to put you in jail? no. abortion is justified when its to save the life of the mother, because there is no truly right outcome either way.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

not everyone who gives up their baby doesnt want them. maybe they cant afford it. maybe their mom wont let them(if they're underage). maybe they just know that in no way at all can they provide for them. but it doesnt always mean that they don't care. sometimes putting your baby up for adoption is the best way to show that you do care

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But why kill something just 'cos your young or cant afford it.. Why not give it to a family who cant have kids and can afford one? That way in years to come you could be reunited with your baby. Abortion should never be considered. Adoption is a win win.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i never said to kill the baby. i said to put the baby up for adoption

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, it's a tiny little clump of cells that can't think or feel. It's also really scary looking, unlike the cute babies you see in pictures.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's such a misconception "There are already tons of kids without parents waiting to be adopted". There have been more kids adopted than there are waiting to be adopted. The problem with adoption is that people want babies, not older kids. They feel it's easier to bond with them when they're younger. There's actually a bigger want for babies than there are being put for adoption. Just because a baby is not born does not mean it's not alive. Don't use the excuse, "It doesn't even have a gender until it's 8 weeks" that's bullshit because the gender is determined the second that baby is conceived. The reason we can't tell sooner is because that's as far as our technology is advanced..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Are you moronic? The baby is alive from day one. It takes nutrients and blood from the mother. Since when has anything dead, like a rock, used blood and vitamins? @410576 (youreXallXcrazy): You just made that up. Blatant lie. In the US, there are many many wanting adoption, but can't, because there is a limited amount of children.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Bullshit. Tons of kids are orphans and have not been adopted and never will be adopted. And to everyone out there who is against abortion, I dont give a fucking shit what you think. Do whatever you want with your body but it is absolutely WRONG to tell someone else what to do with their body. There is something called freedom and you asswipes cannot take that away from people by forcing them to have an unwanted baby. And dont even start with the "you shouldnt have had sex!" shit because TOO LATE they already did! Sex isnt a bad thing and people make mistakes. If you feel so strongly about this all then you might as well be supporting circumsision for women so that sex is totally unbearable and they only do it to reproduce which might I add is extremely barbaric.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Those are "kids," not "babies." There is a huge demand to adopt newborns. Most people don't want a thirteen year old, or even a nine year old. They want to raise the kid as their own, which completely obliterates VVV's argument.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well then people should adopt kids that aren't babies... Also, I've heard that the process of adoption can take a year or more... By which time, some of the babies wouldn't be babies anymore, so what if the people changed their minds then? Also, clearly people DON'T adopt babies that much, or at least they sure didn't a few years ago, if there's that many orphaned kids... If they had been adopted when they were still babies, then well... They'd be adopted...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Even if it's after day one, the baby still couldn't survive outside of the womb. So, I don't really think it's alive. :/ Even if it was otherwise, it's the parents' choice. Not yours..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Some people can be such morons. That wasn't my argument. That's like saying the woman can't decide because she didn't consult the baby. That isn't a valid argument. It doesn't matter that it isn't my decision, the baby is still alive. If it uses nutrients to survive, it's alive. Are people on life support still alive? Huh? They aren't? Then why are their families spending tons of money keeping them dead? Answer that. You have very weak points, and I would appreciate if you didn't pull in irrelevant information.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, that's how I put it in perspective. Plus, people on life support really can't LIVE. So, I wouldn't really consider them alive. I don't really see the point to life support. If something that bad happened to me, I'd want them to pull the cord. Sorry, if I have weak points to you. Sorry, I pulled in irrelevant information. Just saying what I think. Like, I said even if it was otherwise, I don't think it's up to any of us to decide (even me).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They can recover from life support. Geez. You are just ignoring crucial facts. The baby uses nutrients. It is alive. Are plants alive? They can't live without soil. Are we alive? We can't live without oxygen. Does that mean we aren't alive? So they depend on something for survival. How old are you? If you're under 18, you probably depend on your parents. Without them housing you, feeding you, and educating you from day one, you would never survive. We all depend on someone. Baby chicks rely on their mothers. Everything depends on their mothers. Abortions aren't natural.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You don't know if I could survive or not, everyone doesn't depend on anyone, but themselves. If it's bad enough to be on life support, what's there to recover to? I've never heard of a person on life support making a full recovery, like back to normal. I may be wrong, though. At least I can admit to that, unlike someone I know. It doesn't matter if abortions aren't natural. It isn't going to stop someone who really wants one. There are other methods aside from legal abortions. Regardless, I still believe it's the parents' choice.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I said from day one. Yeah, you could probably live on the streets and beg or steal to live, but if your parents had dumped you as soon as they brought you home from the hospital you'd be dead. The baby is just as helpless outside of the womb as inside. Without someone to care for it it would die. And honestly, do you live under a rock? You've never heard of anyone being in a coma living on life support then waking up and being fine? A few years ago there was that one guy who still thought Reagan was president. You really need to at least think a little, just a little, before you start mindlessly typing stuff. "There are other methods aside from legal abortions." Yeah, like adoption? I don't understand how you can completely miss an entire point of my post, and then post something incredibly irrelevant, wrong, and pointless.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I actually meant illegal, dangerous abortions, not anything like adoption, which isn't a very good solution. Whatever, though. You'll go on forever. You win. Point taken.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

some people just want a kid thats from america. do the parents in question ever think about adopting internationally? some do. lots actually. but some people just cant adopt at all. its not that they dont want to. its because adoption is expensive, finalization is expensive, airfare is expensive. i was abandoned in a park because then it was illegel to publicly give up your child(in china). ive been a part of my family for 12 years. do i wonder who my birth parents are? yes. of course i do. but i know that the life i have now is better than the life i would've had with them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm glad you have a happy story, but not everyone's lives end up like that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you think i don't know that? you think i live in a bubble? i know that not everyone who gets adopted gets a good family. but thats mostly for national adoptions. the people in china do background checks and health checks and any other kind of check and questions you can think of to make sure that the kids get good families. just sayin

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's not my point. My point is they don't even get adopted in the first place to have a chance at a happy story like yours. And it's also ironic that in China now you have to pay a fine if you have more than one kid.....I think that would inspire some people to get an abortion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

how do you think that the orphanages there fill up so fast? because all the mothers with their 2nd child have abortions?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Maybe that's why they should get abortions then!!! So the orphanages don't fill up so fast with unwanted children! you're further proving my point

by Anonymous 13 years ago

unwanted? do you know how many people have adopted asian babies? my friends parents have adopted two. my other friend has 1. another lady i met on a cruise has like, 5. do you want to call these children unwanted now?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Woooow 8 out of TONS of kids.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

around than 130,000 kids are adopted in the US every single year. you call that a small number?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

it's not "your body"! it is another completely separate body... it's got it's own circulation, its own DNA, its own blood... it just happens to be inside the body of another. and people who are Mentally Retarded to certain extents cannot care for themselves, are you saying it's ok to kill them? just because you think they are a lesser human being? you're sick

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh! You're so right! Is that why there are thousands of kids in orphanages or starving kids on the street? You must be right! They're all adopted now!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Are you mental? There are SO many kids who can't get adopted. They just make their way through the foster care system, never forming real relationships or getting a proper education, until they turn 18 and are basically abandoned and sent into the real world to fend for themselves.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Please read my most recent message.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There are a limited amount of US children. There are thousands of abandoned children in China, India, and all over Africa that aren't being adopted because people don't want non-white babies.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yes, but u also shouldnt kill an innocent being The fetises r still considered living

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Their brain and nervous systems are not developed yet so theyre really not living

by Anonymous 13 years ago

that's like saying a bean in the ground isn't a plant because there's no leafy green steam coming out from it yet. that's like saying a bunch of different computer pieces aren't a computer just because they're not put together yet.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

uhh... a computer ISN'T a computer until it's put together.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(missteak.): but would u throw away the parts if you could put them together and have a perfectly working computer?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If (since this is an analogy for abortion) it was somehow painful or dangerous to keep the parts, and/or if they had been forced on me, or if I got them by accident and didn't want them, then yes, I would definitely throw out the parts. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

....what? you think I'm smart enough to do that? why thanks.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well a seed/bean ISN'T a plant... The thing that grows from it is a plant... Also, pieces used to make a computer AREN'T a computer... They could be used to make lots of different things...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

again, would you throw away the seeds or beans if you knew that you could plant them and you would have produce?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Again, if, (since this is an analogy for abortion) it was somehow painful or dangerous to keep the seeds or beans, and/or if they had been forced on me, or if I got them by accident and didn't want them, then yes, I would definitely throw out the seeds or beans. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

also, and embryo doesnt become a fetus until 8 weeks after conception.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So yeah, they're alive but so is an ant and ants are conscious and aware.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ah, but they r made of cells, and cells are LIVING

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So? The cells are living but they arent far enough along the way to actually form a living human yet. If youre so concerned with killing living cells then how can you stand eating? Everything you eat had living cells too.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Article 3 of the human rights declaration clearly states that everyone has the right to life. embryos (even at that stage) are human lives.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

also, sperm alone is living cells and so are eggs. So by a dude rubbing one out-does that mean he is murdering babies??? silliness

by Anonymous 13 years ago

thats why those crazy ass religious people like this person think masturbation is a sin. religion is only ruining the world

by Anonymous 13 years ago

we say that because the sperm have the POTENTIAL to become a life. we recognize that they are in fact, not living. we don't use the cell excuse.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well some say every time you jack off a baby kitten dies but I'm not sure if that's what you are talking about...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

wow... there are already so many unwanted kids in the world waiting to be adopted, why should we add to that?? sure, some get great families, but what about the ones that get stuck in foster homes or orphanages? and in the first few weeks of pregnancy, it's not really a living thing yet. women have miscarriages all the time, does that make it involuntary manslaughter?? also it's not that easy to carry out a pregnancy, a woman pretty much has to put her life on hold for 9 months, what if she has a physically demanding job and can't work anymore? what if she has health complications and could die? things to think about before you judge them and pitch your perfect little plan about everyone getting adopted...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Have you actually been to an orphanage or adoption agency for that matter? Have you even seen the process of an adoption? It's such an ignorant thing to say there are so many unwanted kids in the world when you have no idea what that entails. A miscarriage has nothing to do with killing a baby. It's the bodies way of telling you that something is inbalanced in your body and that your body inevitably kills the baby because it's not a safe environment for the baby to grow in at the moment. It's such freaking bull shit that everyone says "women put their life on hold." I was still a living human being that could work, eat, talk and breath for 9 months... Most women can physically labor until 6 months when it becomes endangering to the child where the cord can wrap around the neck if the mother lifts more than 30 lbs. Even still many women still work until they go into labor. If there was any health complications in a woman it would be addressed by her doctor and

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I've been to an adoption agency. There are actually some kids that get adopted, they tend to be on the younger side, but also more that don't. There are even some in homes, that don't even want them, and treat them horribly. That said, I'm only speaking of what I've seen. It might be different in other places, but here it's like that. My aunt was a social worker. She got really involved. It's really sad what some kids have to go through, because they have unfit parents that they really don't deserve.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And there are also kids in that situation that aren't adopted. If someone is unfit to be a parent why don't they do the right thing and just not have kids period rather than take away a humans chance to live a happy life because they didn't want to give up their own to raise a family.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not like the baby in question will know it doesn't have a life.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're right, because there's probably no spirit in there, huh ..........

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My Christian friend told me that innocent spirits go to Heaven, so either way they have it made. :/

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I guess this way they are spared the genes of the idiot who aborted them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

procautions would be taken.. people can be so stupid.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

use the search button OP, about a million people beat you to this post.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

..And what if they baby has some horiible deformity? Eh?? Huh?!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What if it's a rape baby? Should that baby come into the world, grow up, search for his or her birth parents and find out he or she was only born because of a terrible crime. Would you like to know your parent was a rapeist? Pro-Choice

by Anonymous 13 years ago

OR what if they're unreasonably young?

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

They shouldn't have had sex when they are unreasonably young. She is called a slut.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree. But what if they got raped like Anonymous said?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

less than 1 percent of all abortions are the result of rape, i think people just say that to keep it legal. But honestly, even if you were raped, what good is killing your baby? I'd have sympathy for the person but it doesnt mean they should take it out on their child.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What if the person that was raped was like 11 or 12, and it would be extremely dangerous for them to have a kid growing inside them... They and the baby could eventually die if that was the case.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That was what I was getting at. By young I meant like really young like 12.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well if it were me, I'd sacrifice myself for my child. But I suppose if there was a life threatening variable then the law could make an exception. Where's the baby's choice in pro choice? Because the baby is the one being affected. Really affected.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

...You would sacrifice yourself, at age 11 or 12, for a child that may not even live? And even if the child did live and turn out normally, it would have to grow up knowing it's dad was a rapist (assuming the 11/12 year old being raped scenario) and it's biological family would most likely be at least subconsciously resentful towards the child, since it was indirectly responsible for a little girl's death. I know that sounds bad since it wasn't the child's fault, but that is probably how the child's family would feel...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Just because you're young, doesn't mean you're loveless. I could not live with myself knowing I killed my child. A lot of people have awful dads, any yes that would be very hard but it's not worse than death. Thats wrong of the family to be mean and there is no reason for it. We can't just assume that the family will be assholes.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How about this. Imagine you had an 11 year old daughter. Now imagine that your innocent, defenseless young daughter got raped and ended up pregnant. She continues with the pregnancy for a couple of months, going through morning sickness, all the pain and inconvenience of pregnancy. You bring her to a doctor for one of those pregnancy checkups, and the doctor informs you that if your daughter continues with the pregnancy, she will end up dying because her body is too small and too young to handle a child inside it. However, if she goes on with the pregnancy, the child inside her live, she'll just die. So if you were to choose between your 11 year old daughter's life, and her unborn child's life, which would you choose?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I would want her to get the abortion. Because it's my daughter and not me. And I already said that the law could make exceptions for life threatening situations. wow.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

hundreds of years ago, girls got married off as soon as they could physically concieve children, so girls that age could, and did, bear children. besides, you can't possibly concieve a child unless you've started your period, and most girls of 11 or 12 haven't.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(:)): Well most girls I knew had started at that age, but everyone's different... :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Would you keep the baby? No. Not at 12. Do you think the same way you did at 12? No. If you were 12 and had been raped you've want that "thing" out of you. You don't know what you're talking about, seriously.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

At 12 I wouldn't keep the baby but i certaintly wouldn't kill it! Maybe that's how you think, but I'm not as selfish as you are.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wanting to live and not end up traumatized is selfish now?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No. I can want to live and not be selfish. What is selfish is wanting yourself over your own child to live and then killing them because of it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Also, babies can't make choices. Even children and to some extent, teenagers/adolescents can't make informed decisions properly. You can't give the child a choice because it is impossible in so many ways for the unborn baby to make a choice... Also, babies and children are the mother's responsibility, and usually don't get much say in anything at all throughout their early lives anyway. Not to mention, if the unborn baby is physically attached to, and physically dependent on, and made from part of, the mother, then you could easily argue that the fetus is essentially a part of the mother anyway, and can't someone decide what they want to do with their own body?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I realize that the baby can't make a choice when its in the womb. That's why we shouldn't kill it. We should give the baby the opportunity to grow up and make choices for himself.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm sorry for butting in but your views piss me off. Seriously, how about you have 8 children and stay at home to raise them. You'll have to completely give up your social life for some children. That is NOT my cup of tea.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I wouldn't be that much of a slut to have 8 kids if i wasn't planning on raising them well first of all. And if I did, I would give the ones i couldn't raise, up for adoption. And this sentence.."You'll have to completely give up your social life for some children." is the most selfish thing I have ever heard. You're an asshole.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And it's not selfish to give away your child because you decide you don't want it? What if you're fine with it for the first 5 years, then you decide it's too difficult to raise that particular child, so you give it away? How is that not selfish? Also, having 8 kids doesn't make you a slut. What if someone wanted that many kids originally, or if they had quadruplets or something?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Im saying it's okay to give it up for adoption if you were raped. And yeah it may be selfish if you are able to take care of it, but it's not as selfish as kiling it! It's selfish to raise a kid for 5 years and then give it away. I wouldnt do it. Yeah having 8 kids does not make you a slut, concieving 8 kids and then not being able to take care of them. And why do you all go fucking off topic with little details? The law can make a damn exception but thats another discussion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wait, you keep talking about the law... Is there a law against abortion? If so, I didn't know that. I know it's illegal in Ireland, and probably some states in the USA... What law are you talking about? :/

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well my debate is for abortion being illegal. If it were illegal, I'm saying that the future law could make an exception.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think you're the asshole, my dear. You may love children and want to have a boat load of them and be a stay at home mom, or what not. But I'm different and I would not want to do that. I think you can get over it. GASP! There are people that don't wan to throw away their lives for a child?! preposterous!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not going to have a boatload of them and i'm not even that much of a kid loving person. I'm just not a murderer. Yeah okay you're really selfish. You would kill a baby just because you wanna party.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Im not talking about partying. I'm talking about going out in public and not getting stared at for being pregnant at such a young age. I'm talking about not having to go through horrible pain. You're not going to change my mind, I don't want a rape baby.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're the one who jumped into the conversation so don't act like you want me to stop arguing. So because you don't want people to stare at you, you would kill your baby. Model citizen. Horrible pain? you mean childbirth? It happens everyday and being in pain is worth a child's life.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

that is NOT when I'm talking about. This whole entire time I've been talking about a baby that would result from rape. I'm not idiotic enough to still be a minor and have a child. Maybe you would be, but I'm not.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The whole time I was talking to you I was addressing someone who was raped, so I don't know what you mean. And what makes you think that I, who actually has some morals, would have a kid when i was a minor?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Rape could happen to just about any women at an age over 11. It doesn't have to do with if you have morals or not. It has to do with if you got caught in an unlucky situation at a young age and became pregnant from that situation.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah and it doesn't have to do with you being idiotic or not, right? because i was responding to you when you said that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, it does. It would be idiotic for a woman to go along with the pregnancy after she had been raped. Unless she wanted it, that would be a different story.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you're gay.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're bringing homosexuality into a debate about abortion?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I use gay as dumb.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Is that the best comeback you have "you're gay"? Oooh, you have me so offended right now, that I'll probably go cry in the dark corner of my bedroom. Please, if you can't keep arguing then you should just give up and leave.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're just too dumb to argue with.. so yeah, I'm done.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Says the one who used the word "gay" to mean "dumb"...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ha it's slang..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't think I'm the one that is dumb.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Your ignorance blows my mind. Just because someone has eight children does not make them a slut. Nor does becoming pregnant when you're younger make you a slut.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know having 8 children doesn't make you a slut. Having 8 children and wanting abortions for all of them, however, does.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Just because YOU would do a certain thing doesn't mean everyone else has to do that too. Sure going through with the pregnancy is the nice thing to do but women should still have a choice.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, they had the choice when they had sex. The choice of the abortion should go to the unborn child.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually they didn't necessarily have the choice when they had sex. Birth control doesn't always work, and there's always that small percentage of rape victims. The mother's life matters, too.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If you dont have sex at all, you wont get pregnant.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Sex can be a recreational activity. It's okay to do it before you're ready to have a baby.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I just feel people should be able to choose. If they want to abort then they should be able to.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

ARGH not another abortion debate post

by Anonymous 13 years ago

everyone has the right to life and its selfish to think that by putting it for adoption it will lead a loveless life. You don't know that and i have a few friends who are adopted and have amazing lives. How can something that is not alive feed, hear, and move while inside the womb? I remember hearing an old 80's song when i was still in my mom's womb, *well i told her i know that song and she said you were not born yet when you heard it* and just because the baby was from unwanted sex, should it die just cause you dont want it? thats selfish and everything deserves to live. And don't bring up that stuff about eating because animals are alive, everything has a purpose and i am not a meat-a-holic, at least it is contributing to the health of a human being. Therefore i respect and honor its life. Everyone deserves to explore the beauty of life and should not be ripped away from that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Babies do not remember things untill the age of three. Most memories are made up before that age.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

what does this even prove, it wasn't even a memory it was more of a recognition of sound. I heard the song again when i was 5, and i told my mom it sounded familiar and i never heard it before that and my mom told me i wasn't born when the song came out and it was one of her favourite songs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

EXACTLY!!! You are super awesome. To be honest with you, I used to be pro choice, and after all the stories i heard about women regretting getting an abortaion, and after all the pictures I saw of a baby afterit got aborted, I changed my mind. If a doctor kills a baby 10 seconds before it's born, it's considered legal (which is a bunch of crap), and if a doctor kills a baby ten seconds after it's born, the doctor's charged with murder. I once heard a story of a pregnant woman who went into an abortion clinic with her 2 year old son in order to get an abortion. The doctor said, "Ok, you have the baby, while I'll kill your son right now." This obviously changed her mind. A baby is a baby even if it's not born yet.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

exactly and it is also made up of your genome as well so don't you feel the slightest connection to it. It needs you to survive and most women who get an abortion regret it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You did not remember a song you heared in the womb, and if you did it is not possible for you to retrieve that memory. You just made yourself sound idiotic

by Anonymous 13 years ago

how do you know what i remember or heard, you're not me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The brain isn't developed enough at that age to remember anything.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

why the fuck does this matter right now? you're going off topic...i dont give a shit. i know what i hear and see.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because I'm living in reality where things are scientifically proven, not a little fantasy land.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

how do you know this reality even exists? Fuck for all i know we can be characters in a video game and some nerdy kid is playing and fucking with us like we're in the sims

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ohmygod. nice reasoning XD that kid is laughing at us. I'm gonna go make my Sims argue about abortion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Even Sims games have their own reality, so whatever the fuck we are we do have our own version of reality that exists in our own world (whatever that may be).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you would have made a valid point if you didn't completely pull that bullshit out of ur ass

by Anonymous 13 years ago

wow, does everyone here have to be an asshole? so its okay for me to let you voice your own opinions but as soon as i do i get ripped into? well thats fair. Just cause you are trying to prove a point it doesnt mean you have to be a dick doing it. I didnt act like that or swear about anything to anyone when i explained things.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes, most people in arguments tend to become complete a**holes... Because everyone is completely sure that they're right, other people are wrong, and that everyone needs to think the same way... There are some who aren't like that of course. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It would be fun to find out how many of you prolifers also supports the death penalty

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Fetuses can't murder or rape...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't think that's the point... I thought prolifers think "a human life is a human life" like, no matter what? Is that cancelled out then, if the person has done something wrong?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I get what you're saying, I just don't like the comparison.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A lot. Because they're crazy Republicans.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

people don't seem to take into account the actual pregnancy. the mother needs new clothes, new/better diet, vitamins, doctors... etc. for a healthy baby. so much more goes into pregnancy then just "adopt it"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Everyone was given a choice in life, this or that. And whatever they choose is up to them. You shouldn't tell them "No, that's wrong! You should do this!" but instead let them have their choice. It's their child, it's up to them whether they keep it or not. Not yours or anyone elses.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm glad that someone agrees. x3 I wish this whole abortion debate would just end. xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah. IT seems like there is always some debate going on around people. Sometimes I wish life was like in The Giver. Most of the time I don't though.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The Giver? x3 I've never heard of that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

IT's this book. Everyone looks the same and nobody can see color and... Ok it's hard to explain. It's a good book though.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wow, sounds cool. :3 Who's the author?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lois Lowry. I mean I read it kind of young but it's not really a children's book.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

pedo_bear says, keep the baby!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Pro-Choice. There's a lot of reasons. One, maybe the mother could get a disease during pregnancy. Two, what if they can't afford it? You can put it up for adoption, but there's still medical costs. Three, you know how crime was stopped in the 90s? abortion became legal, and people that would've raised the kids badly didn't, preventing a bunch of crime,

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So when is it not acceptable to kill the baby? When does it suddenly become human?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

When it can survive outside the womb...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's one opinion. I don't side with either of the opinions though. I say abortion all has to do with responsibility. If you made a mistake then it's your responbility to suffer the consequences. If it was forced on you, then you shouldn't be forced to deal with it. It's not just, "well you didn't pull out your mace fast enough, so I guess you're screwed". Of course, even that system is flawed.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@461490 (Ciara): That's the big question. When life begins is the hot button issue, not abortion. It's what would resolve argument in a second. Nobody can figure it out though.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hooray, another GIANT e-argument cause by a post regarding a subject that has been talked about before. People are never going to agree on this. I'll just put in my input. If you're not going to survive the childbirth because you're obviously too young/not built for it, and you were raped. Then a baby would be thrown into an orphanage/foster child system, it's mother being dead, and it's father not giving a shit about it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh gosh. I'm sick of abortion debates, but I know where I stand. <3

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

There are so many children who haven't been adopted as it is and having a baby and giving it up is just adding to the number. Having a child, even just during pregnancy, is expensive and not everyone can afford it. Sure, there are groups to help people, but it's simple: you can't help everyone. There are so many requirements for those groups/aid anyway. Ultimately, I feel it's a women's issue, but I'm not saying a guy can't give his intake. If you don't want an abortion, then don't have one. People really need to stay out of other people's business. If a woman is having an abortion, it's for her to deal with, not you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A woman allows a fetus to live off of her nutrients and allows it to grow, so it's only reasonable to think that the woman has total control over a fetus. The woman allowing the fetus to develop in her womb is a privilege, not a right, and privileges can be taken away.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That means we need to send mallsmith the china! Yay!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*to Stupid itouch >_>

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Abortion isn't "bad". It's a decision. If the mother decides that having an abortion is best, that doesn't make her a bad person. People have a right to make their own choices. Whether someone gets an abortion or not is absolutely no one else's business but theirs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Women SHOULD do that, but they don't have to. They should still have the right to abort if they want to.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The mother should decide whatever she wants. If she wants to abort, then let her abort. If she doesn't believe in abortion, then she can have the baby. Either way, the choice is hers and only hers. There shouldn't be any laws preventing abortion and forcing her to live through something she doesn't want to.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Interesting. You believe that human life is special and unborn babies have a right to live. What about the murderers and rapists that receive the death penalty? Don't they have a right to live? They're human too. Actually, they're more human then an unborn baby.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why does everyone treat adoption like it's an easy way out? There are so many emotional effects on the mother as well as the child. Many birth mothers regret giving their child up. Not only that but many also suffer from depression as well as many other psychological effects. The child in turn could feel a sense of abandonment or the feeling that they are unwanted/unloved. I'm not saying that the decision to have an abortion is an easy one to make, however adoption is a difficult one as well.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I personally don't believe in abortion for MYSELF. I think that for other people it should be a very last resort. BUT as has already been said, what about rape? or if the mother has a health condition; what if giving birth to the baby would jeopardize her life?? Whether the fetus is technically alive or not is an opinion. Abortion should not be over-used BUT it should be an option. I don't think people who have abortions are murderers. It is the mother's choice, no one else's. PRO CHOICE.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What if the mother was raped? Do you REALLY want her to go through 9 more months of pain after a traumatic incident like that?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Only 3% of rape victims actually get pregnant

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Really? How come? Or do rapists actually use condoms? :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's still alot of women.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So if the mother was raped, she should just go through with having the baby? That's terrible. What if she had complications with the pregnancy where she could die? Should we just risk the life of the woman, who could have a bright future and happy life, or the "life" of the unborn, unthinking, baby? The mother might decide later in her lift to have more children, which she could bring up in a nice home, not just giving the baby to foster care where who knows what could happen?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

1) If abortions are made illegal, people will still get them, just in less safe ways. 2) Sure, maybe less than 1% of abortion casese are for rape, but why should that 1% have to go through with the pregnancy just because the other 99% are viewed as "irresponsible." 3) Adoption is a very long and complex process - and if a kid isn't adopted, they're just thrown out of the foster care system into the world at 18. Happy life. 4) Have you ever killed a bug? That bug is officially classified as a living organism. An embryo is not. 5) If you're so against abortion, than DON'T HAVE ONE YOURSELF.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There are MILLIONS of starving children in the world. Not just "Oh I'm a bit hungry, I haven't eaten yet today" BUT: They have no fresh water, and hardly any food. You people have absolutely no idea what that's like. You think we need to bring more children into the world? The world is FUCKED. The world is a hole! Wars and crimes and hate are incredibly rampant. I say kill unborn babies, kill everyone! Humans suck.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(YOU SUCK): Nice! I agree about the world being fucked, definitely. I say it's the governments fault. :) I don't agree so much about killing random people, but humans definitely do suck. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This post is up 220. Pro-Life won. Suck it. Oh, and if you don't want a baby yet, suck it. Not that hard to not fuck.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Your+name+(optional)): Pro-Life won on this website. Pro-choice won in real life. Who should suck it? It's not hard not to fuck, and it's not hard not to be responsible. There would be a lot less unwanted children in the world if people would just be more responsible by using condoms and birth control. However, if you are taking all the precautions NOT to get pregnant, you don't deserve a baby that you don't want and tried not to have.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Your+name+(optional)): Very mature!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm surprised how many times this topic can be brought up and people STILL argue about it. No one changes their mind...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.  ~Ronald Reagan

by Anonymous 13 years ago

...Well duh... I see the point, but...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i think that if your under 16 and did take precautions but were that 1% that do get pregnent with a condom then its okay, any age for rape (its the womans choice, id probably have the kid anyway if i was an adult) and otherwise its stupid to get one like you didnt protect urself and ur punishing something that could make someone happy. i think those should be rules

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm glad I wasn't aborted... I feel like most people would agree.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If I had been aborted, I wouldn't mind in the slightest. Why? I wouldn't be alive! I wouldn't know about it! And who knows? Maybe my parents could have had better lives. Either way, I wasn't aborted, and that's the reality. If I had been, I wouldn't be making this argument right now. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Go to google and type in aborted baby pictures. Its graphic but it may make u change your mind about abortion. They do get aborted when they resemble humans and whether you say the are alive or not, after seeing those pictures I could never do that to a child.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Rainbow35): "Hey, did you know we almost aborted you?" :/ "Thanks mom and dad..."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well if my parents said that to me... Well, I dunno how I'd react. But the way I think of it is, they wouldn't have tried to abort ME, as a person, they'd have tried to abort the bundle of cells that would eventually become me... Nobody would ever abort if unborn babies could communicate, clearly looked human, and basically acted like people. 'Cause you'd get too attached to it, and it would seem horrible to kill it. I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make. But you do have a good point. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Rainbow35): thanks. I guess I'm just glad that I wasn't denied the opportunity to live and I wouldn't wish that upon any person or potential person.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I mean obviously if both the mother and baby will die it's more acceptable. But that's like 2% of all abortions. How is adoption not a good solution? The baby is happy with a different family. Yeah I can see why that might be a problem..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Look, despite what ANYONE says, I think that abortion is right based on the person. It wouldn't exactly be easy for someone to go through with a huge decision like that with other people jumping down her throat calling her a murderer and saying that she has no morals. And sometimes, the mother CAN'T give birth because of health problems. Or there are money issues or whatever else. Or maybe the girl is a teenager and doesn't want to go through it all THAT young because she simply made a mistake. It all depends on the situationand I don't think people should be so quick to judge.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Pro choice. It's the womens body and life that are going to get messed up in an unwanted pregnancy. However, I do feel that if the woman is in the last trimester they should try adoption. Thy have made it so far and the baby is almost human, but it is still not YOU (RANDOM COMMENTORS) CHOICE.

by Anonymous 13 years ago