+136 If natural selection is true, then evil will rule the world. The good people are too good to kill the bad people in the world and just keep them in jail, alive. The bad people don't hesitate to kill off the good. amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

that may be true, but clear is not a color. if you dont know what im talking about then learn to read.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

ummm... that's not really how it works. Being "bad" or "good" has nothing to do with genetics and not all "bad people" kill

by Anonymous 14 years ago

apparently you don't even understand natural selection, its got nothing to do with being good or bad, its about being smart and dumb. The smart adapt and survive and the dumb don't and die off. so if evil was taking over the smart people would get some guns

by Anonymous 14 years ago

If we are talking in terms of smart and dumb, then the evil would be the smart ones in killing off their enemies. How smart is it really to keep your enemies alive?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

if the evil ones are already in jail at the time, smart ones would kill em as they beg helplessly behind the bars of their cell

by Anonymous 14 years ago

not saying EVERYONE cuz people do make mistakes. But there are flaws in our law systems that keep serial killers in jail and when they get out they go right back at it.

by Anonymous 14 years ago