+115 As soon as you mention God in an argument, your opinion is automatically void, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

INB4 Flame War When discussing something that isn’t religion – example, a social or political issue, throwing God or the Bible into it is a refuge – “If you argue with THIS, you MUST by disagreeing with God.” And then the discussing turns into an argument of interpretations of Bible passages. Basically, do your own research into CURRENT social examples to back your opinion. Don’t use the Lord’s name to do your dirty work. Also, many people are atheist, agnostic, or aren’t strict followers of a faith. It’s the equivalent of saying “The Polynesian God that I worship disagrees with your side of this”. They can just answer “So?”

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wait.... what if I said: "God makes my opinion void."?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Then it's void either way? Like, I'm not saying that your side of the argument is automatically wrong, I'm just saying as soon as your throw the God card in, you're kicked out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What if you use the "idea of God" influences a human to make ______ decision? Like using "God" as human sense.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's very true. Because like it or not, a lot of human psychology is based around religion. Maybe the post was too much of a blanket statement, using the word "automatically"?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Don't worry about your OP man, its just a post. I just have fun in proposing a good argument. Its even more fun when it gets out of hand ;)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Haha, yeah. I'm looking forward to logging in tomorrow and seeing a shitload of comments. It was kinda a habit of mine, whenever my old English teacher said something, to find at least one loophole in it. IE "Don't use swear words or anything when writing an essay/story." "But what if we use direct quotes in our essay and the person swore? What if in out fictional story one of the characters was a street hoodlum who say 'Fuck' every fifty seconds, but it added to the character?"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hah, being a white person, I always use to try to get "To Kill a Mockingbird" quotes in that use the "N Word". I'm a terrible person...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ha, and if anyone has a go at you because of it, you can act all high and mighty "Well, you uncultured degenerate cretin. Pick up a book once in a while" Only if they're white, of course.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What I figure is that everybody is racist whether they like it or not. Its just people who are too proud of themselves to admit it, and people who are too stupid to use racism limitedly and at the right time.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

I too am looking forward to the comments on this one, but I must add; I am truly, completely, not racist. I make no assumptions upon meeting someone based on the color of their skin, nor would I discriminate against someone for the same reason. Ever. So that theory is definitely wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Agreed. I think that in a lot of cases, using the Bible or any other religious text as a form of (absolute) authority in an argument translates into "I believe what I believe because a man in the sky told me to/because I read it in a book". Although I think that OpenUptheCheeks does make a valid point - it is legitimate to study or reference the ideas, decisions, or actions that religion has influenced people to make or the influence that religion has had on society when looking at topics such as history/sociology/etc.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not to disagree, but just for fun...what you know from science you could essentially say the same thing. "I believe what I believe because a man I've never seen/will never see told me to/I read it in a book/on the internet." I realize it's different but you can't judge the bible just for being a book unless you have actually made scientific discoveries personally, because otherwise you are trusting the words of another man just like a Christian would.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm certainly not starting a religious debate, but you don't "void" one's opinion in any way. That's just not 1. possible or 2. fair.

by Anonymous 11 years ago