+300 You're waiting for the day that Miley Cyrus becomes nobody, and people realise that she has no good songs and is just a slut. You're also waiting for the day she strips naked. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

The latter more than the first.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

a bong full of salvia. Which is legal in california, where she lives. She's an adult.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not a fan, but why do people think she's that bad?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree she is not a bad kid, She does normal stuff all teens have gone through, She is a good student in school, she has held a full time job since she was 10 years old, She supports 100's of people with her TV and Music work and she has had adult responsibilities on her shoulders for years. With all that the little troubles she gets in to are nothing to be concerned with. It just gets blown out of control by the media.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So i just saw the video of her smoking the bong. way to go miley, you've only got everything you could ever want, so why not ruin it with substance abuse.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Shut up, you know nothing. Salvia doesn't ruin lives

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Fuck you. Its still a hallucinagen, and if she just turned 18 and is already experimenting with shit like that, then yeah more than likely she's going to end up as the next Lindsay Lohan.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes I'm sure everyone who has tried salvia has gone on to hard drugs. Makes perfect sense. Dumbass.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A large number of people her age begin experimenting with drugs and alcohol. She is normal. Salvia is not dangerous, nor is marijuana, nor is moderate alcohol.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I dont call that normal, I call it stupid. And its not just Miley that pisses me off for doing it. Its just part of my belief system, I think drugs are stupid and if you have to get high to have a good time then I feel sorry for you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The majority of people try smoking at least once in their lifetime. And it's not that they need drugs to have a good time, it's the fact that drugs and alcohol allow you to disassociate yourself from your fears and worries.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I havent, and never will. But thats a bullshit excuse, I have fears, worries, and stress too and I dont do drugs, I deal with it in a natural, healthy way. I also dont need drugs to relax like most people do. I mean come one, try music, poetry, a journal, a therapist, real friends who listen, a massage, a nap; all can help you relax and many can help with fears and worries and they dont pose a potential threat.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Marijuana, the most common drug of choice, does not pose a potential threat. It's natural and healthy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What's your problem with drugs? They're really not bad. I'm also annoyed by your assumption that people who do them only do so in order to escape from their problems, or can't have fun without them. They can just be a harmless rectreational activity. Even so, what's the difference between using drugs to cope with your problems, and using any of your methods to cope? Either way, you're using something to cope. You've also got to realize that there's a difference between using, and substance abuse. Despite what the media says, using now and again does not make you a horrible person. It does not mean you have a problem. I'd say that the people with a real problem are the ones who drink and smoke cigarettes. Both are far more harmful than most, if not all, illicit drugs that are commonly used.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I have bigger issues with alcohol and cigaettes than I do with drugs, yes. Cigarettes piss me off the most because smokers put others at risk by smoking around them. As for alcohol, i have zero patience for it. Its not really an assumption, every single person I have ever talked to about doing drugs, has told me those exact reasons as why they do it. I dont consider them harmless though because people can die from using. Using something to cope with problems isnt what bothers me, its using drugs to cope when there are healthier methods that work better because instead of just giving you a high to escape a problem, they help you let out emotions and sometimes help to find solutions. I in no way said it makes you a horrible person, I do have friends that do this stuff, I dont agree with it but they are nice people and they dont do it around me. My problem with them is that they solve no problems while only creating more and yet people dont seem to see that. They

by Anonymous 13 years ago

convince themselves that smoking weed or drinking or whatever is going to help them deal with whatever is going on in their lives, when all its doing is not only taking a toll on their wallet, but on their liver, their lungs, their friends and family, and potentially causing an addiction that could end up screwing up all the potential they had in their lives to do something good with it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It is an assumption, though. Just because I happen to be in a school full of idiots doesn't mean I can accurately infer that all people my age are idiots. If risk of death is the basis for them not being harmless, they're still relatively harmless. Drug abuse is the lowest leading cause of preventable death in the US. Car crashes, STDs, infectious diseases, guns, and obesity kill far more people on their own than all illicit drugs combined. Even prescription drugs kill more people per year than illicit drugs. Drugs aren't only an escape from your problems. They can also be an emotional release. They have successfully used MDMA to treat PTSD, they've used LSD to treat alcoholism, they've used psilocybin to bring peace to people on their deathbeds. People also regularly use cannabis to treat depression. Drugs not solving any problems is also silly. Along with the aforementioned psychological problems that can be remedied, cannabis and LSD have been used as extremely. .

by Anonymous 13 years ago

. . . Effective painkillers, moreso than most prescription. Cannabis has also been shown to reduce tumor growth, and slow the onset of Alzheimer's. People will ruin their lives regardless of drugs. They really shouldn't get such a bad reputation. For every person you see ruin their lives with drugs, there are probably 10 users that lead successful lives.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Its not just kids at my school that have told me that though, its countless users on this site from all over the world. The risk of death is still there. Its not even just in using, its about the crowd you have to be around to get the stuff. A kid from our school got shot five times last month while waiting for his dealer. That wouldnt have happened had he not been addicted. There are still better ways for an emotional release that wont have any effect on their body. Maybe i should rephrase what I said about it not solving problems. Every single person I have talked to who has said they use it to help solve problems, has been someone between the ages of 16 to 21 who have no health concerns and really no major problems, but think that their lives suck so bad that the only thing that will help are drugs. I have heard of cases where certain drugs would help, mainly marijuana, for instance helping with appetite. But that doesnt mean I think it should be legal...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Medically perscribed and highly regulated maybe, but never just legal, and never all kinds of drugs. I dont think they should just be available for those teens that think life is hell or that they just wanna "relax".

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The risk of death is there in everything. If it exists, it has killed someone. Think about it though, that kid wouldn't have been shot if drugs were legal. He'd have gone to a safe, quality controlled, store. Countless nonviolent criminals are needlessly thrown in jail, and are wasting our tax money. We spend an excess of 40 billion dollars per year fighting the senseless war on drugs. Define "effect on the body". Cannabis, salvia, LSD, mescaline, and psilocybin have no negative effects on the body. Mild cocaine, heroin, and alcohol use also have no negative effects on the body. What's wrong with "just legal"? Whycan't people have the choice to do whatever they want? Wasn't this country founded on freedom? Honestly, and take no offense to this, I think you're just the kind of person who hates drugs due to the image the media gives them. I used to be that kind of person.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Maybe he wouldnt have, but even if it were legal there would still be back alley transactions so he could have been. Well no one that uses heavy drugs like that uses them mildly. If you're on something like heroine, your body thinks you have to have it so theres really nothing mild about it. If you smoke it, then yes it does have negative effects on your lungs, even if its not as bad as cigarette smoke. Because some things just shouldnt be legal. Why does some 17 year old kid need the right to go buy cocaine if he wants to? What purpose is that going to serve? If mild doses of a certain drug can help treat certain illnesses with no detrimental side effects, then by all means let the doctors perscribe it to those in need, but that doesnt mean it needs to just be available for anyone looking to get high. I'm not offended, and its not really the image the media gives. I've just seen, heard, and learned too much to think that everything in this country should be..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

legal just because its America. I'm all for freedom, but for certain things its better off left either illegal or regulated strictly.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If it were legal, who in their right mind would go to a back alley dealer? There's no quality control, the prices would be higher, and it'd probably still be illegal. There's a reason you don't see people purchasing back alley alcohol. You say that as if it's a fact. It's not. Less than 25% of cocaine users meet the criteria for "drug abuse". Even so, dependence is not something that develops instantly. It takes time and multiple uses over a relatively short period of time. Furthermore, cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, and a massive number of prescription drugs are extremely addictive. As for smoking not being good for your lungs, that's true. The thing is, you're not limited to smoking cannabis. You can cook with it, make tea with it, or vaporize it. All are perfectly fine and do no damage to your body. What is a 17 year old doing with cocaine? If drugs were legalized, they'd obviously have the same or similar laws as alcohol does, like an age limit. I still don't. .

by Anonymous 13 years ago

. . . See the problem with people wanting to get high. Our brains actually have receptors for cannabinoids. This heavily implies that cannabis should be a part of human life. People have been getting high for as long as we've been around. You say "better off left illegal", but do you really think about what legalizing drugs would entail? Crime would plummet at an insane rate. Cartels would no longer have a source of income in smuggling drugs into the US. Gang violence would go down, and no more people being shot over drugs. Hundreds of thousands of nonviolent, everyday people wouldn't be clogging up the prisons. The US only contains 5% of the world's population, but we contain 25% of the worlds prison populace. Most of them are only in jail for drugs. The police would be able to focus on other things, rather than the war on drugs. If all were legalized and taxed, the country would bring in an extra 80 billion dollars per year. 80 BILLION. Other deaths would go down. .

by Anonymous 13 years ago

. . . Across the board. Smoking tobacco and alcohol are the 1st and 3rd leading causes of preventable death in the US. People would be drawn away from those if they had much safer alternatives. Firearm deaths would drop if people weren't warring over them. Murders, suicides, and car collisions would start to become rarer, since people wouldn't be drinking as much. Alcohol is also attributed to the vast majority of those things I just mentioned. Even drug abuse deaths would go down if drug safety courses and responsible drug use courses were made readily available. The evidence is overwhelming, there's just no logical reason to keep drugs illegal. It's a fruitless endeavor, and one we should abandon as soon as possible.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lindsey lohan turned shit around for herself tho. And idc what she does or doesnt do. Shes legal now, so im waiting for the sextape to come out

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If people realized what bad music was, they wouldn't have liked her in the first place. I don't have high hopes for society.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Your musical taste is no better than anyone else's. Everyone's taste is unique.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My musical taste is far better than many others, including yours.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Based on what?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

completely agree. Especially with celebrities not being role models. They're normal people, who can do whatever they want with their lives. Its not miley's responsibility to set a 'good' example for kids. That's on their parents.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

still waiting on that sex tape.. cmon, somebody out there has it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago