+142 It's strange how the punishment for skipping class is suspension. We skipped school so we didn't have to go, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

However, in college, you lose points and start missing assignments, eventually it will come to the point where it can jeopardize your grades and your ability to attend the college (especially if depending on scholarship), plus in high school suspension goes on your record

by Anonymous 11 years ago

At my college if you miss more than 4 days you get to pay back your tuition.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

At my school if you're 10 minutes late for class you're counted as an unexcused absence. And the punishment for skipping a single class is the same as skipping an entire school day. In other words, if you're ten minutes late to school, don't even bother showing up

by Anonymous 11 years ago

That seems exceedingly harsh.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Really? I though it sounded like a great deal. If I'm late I don't HAVE to show up

by Anonymous 11 years ago

At my school if you're five seconds late (depending on how strict the teacher) you may be asked to get a note & if you do you have to stay after school for an hour. -_-

by Anonymous 11 years ago