+310 Going to the bathroom is a right not a privilege, despite what your teachers say, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Most people who 'go to the bathroom' don't actually need to piss. They go out because they are bored and want to socialize. Teachers know this. Ergo, unless you have a preexisting medical condition, it's a privilege.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Speak for yourself.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Uh, maybe you do that? But at my school, there's no one out in the hallways to socialize with, and if you're gone longer than 10 minutes you get security called on you and if you're found outside of the bathroom or in a hallway away from the path you would have to take to get from the class to the bathroom you get ISS. Sorry, if I have to pee, I'm gonna go pee. And I can either go there or in my pants. So.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What kind of scary ass school are you in? In my high school, people were always around. Either because they're skipping or because they have a spare.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A normal one. I've gone to 7 highschools. They didn't all send security after you, but if you were out in the hallways you got in trouble in all of them, there was never people just sitting around. Apparently your school just cuts you a lot of slack, and you're not a very dedicated student if you don't even sit through the class.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, I've been out of high school longer than you've been IN high school, and frankly, I don't give a shit what kind of a student you think I was. In the end, it doesn't even matter. And yes, things in my part of Canada are usually pretty relaxed all around. No need for security of any sort.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I really don't see what you being out of highschool has to do with shit. Goodbye, retard.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My bodily functions are a right, and no one can tell me what to do with them, because I can't control them.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you literally can't control them, you have a pre-existing medical condition. Like I said before, this is an exception. Otherwise, most people can hold their pee until the end of class.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Um, no. When your bladder is full, it empties its self. You don't need to have a medical condition for it to do that. And even if it's not to the point of emptying its self, it's my right to feel comfortable.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

True. You wouldn't really be paying attention if you're concentrating on the fact that you have to piss. Even so, I could argue that point. For example, you forgo your right to feel comfortable when you get an ultrasound - they expect you to hold your piss and have a full bladder. You do this for the sake of your health, so why not for the sake of your education? More importantly, there are plenty of breaks given to you during school. If you use these like you should, rarely do you need to go to the point of bursting while in class. If this should happen, by all means, leave the classroom even if the teacher said no. More likely than not, however, it won't happen. In general, going to the bathroom is a privilege and no teacher in their right mind would stop a student with an obvious need.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You NEED to have a bladder full for an ultrasound. You don't NEED to have to piss when you learn. I have 4 minutes to get to class, and I have to cross the street to get to one of them. If I'm late, I go to SWEEP, which means I sit in a room and stare at a wall for an hour and a half, not even allowed to study or do work. I guess a lot of teachers aren't in their right mind then... cuz I get told no a lot.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What kind of freakin' ass schools have you guys got?! :o I know you don't have much time in between classes. I was thinking more of breaks, lunches, etc. But still.. This SWEEP thing is scary. Oh well, in college nobody, including the teachers give a shit about anything. You can come and go as you wish. (Or maybe not... :o)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Our lunch monitors don't let us go and that's the only break we get. Students don't roam the halls because with the teachers constantly patrolling, we couldn't. Oh, and our breaks between classes are 4 minutes and we can barely get to class in that time as it is, forget bathroom breaks or locker visits. If we get caught in the halls after the bell rings, we can't participate in sports and we get ISS which in my school is basically anon's SWEEP, but the whole 7 hour school day plus and hour after it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'd like to add that my school has 90 minute block periods and it would be impossible to hold it for over an hour. Yet many teachers still don't let us go.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

But Fred, unless you have a medical condition, it's not impossible for you to hold it!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

@colebowl I'm pretty sure you're joking but I'm tired and things don't make sense.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I am.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Exactly. Fortunately I never really had to use the bathroom at school, but I've always said that if you really have to go and the teacher won't let you, get up and walk out the door anyway, as long as you're not bullshitting to get out of class.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Much truth is spoken here. Get up and go to the bathroom.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

In my school, the bathrooms are closed between classes (I guess so that people can't hang out in there to skip class?) so there's really no choice but to go during class if you have to go, especially if you don't have a lunch period. But there are still teachers who don't let you go, or who tell you "you should have gone last period" or something to that effect.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's so annoying when a teacher will say you should have gone before and won't accept that you DIDN'T HAVE TO GO BEFORE

by Anonymous 11 years ago

"Why didn't you go lass period/ during passing period....?" "Cuz I have to pee now, I didn't then, dip shit."

by Anonymous 11 years ago

So my teacher told me i was not allowed to go to the bathroom because it was a privilege not a right. So, about 5 minutes later she handed out a quiz i finished with in 10 minutes (one of the first finished) so i sat there, & asked her if i could go because i was finished. She then again said "NO! don't ask me again!" So i sat there for 10 minutes waiting for for the class to finish doing Absolutely nothing. I got pissed off because i had to pee so bad so i got up and walked out. when i came back she told me that i had lunch detention for the next month. so, in any way is this fair? (our class periods are 90 minutes long also.)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No,your teacher is just a *#$#%#)##%^$#!!(!&*!^*&!%&^@%^@!!&*((!&%@%$@&*!&@%%&!%$R!@&!~(~&&*(,and it IS a right,unless she believes students should (continue to) be treated worse than animals.

by Anonymous 7 years ago