+407 The fact that white people can't say the N word, but black people can, is racism in itself, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And the fact that African American people can say "I'm proud to be black" but when a white person says "I'm proud to be white" it makes them seem racist.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hmm, I've never thought a white person saying that was a problem.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Same here, white people have a right to be proud of their race too

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Meh. Why do white people want to say the word nigger? Like, I've never in my life thought "Damn, this sucks that I can't say a racial slur without people looking down on me"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Especially considering the trade off you'd need to make, in order to be able to say it... I mean white people have had centuries of ruling the entire world, they'd have to give all that up and be on the enslaved side in order to be able to say one silly word.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The orient isn't ruled by white people...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Alright, my bad... most of the world, besides the British did have control over some parts of China and India

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It didn't have much control of China. Only Hong Kong. It did control nearly all of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Burma, along with some of Borneo and Malaysia, but other than that, the rest of Asia was mainly idependent. The Portuguese owned Gao, East Timor, and Macau. The French owned Vietnam, Cambodia, and Lao. The rest of Asia was ruled by pe

by Anonymous 12 years ago

ople who were non-white (sorry for the two comments, I'm trying quite badly to type on my phone.) That's a huge chunk of the world.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The British also controlled the ports in China, also aren't the French white?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, but they, along with the other countries, controlled such a small amount of Asia that Asians ruled nearly all of it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Still, your argument is that they didn't rule the orient, but they kinda did... is my argument

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I look at it like this: Say you have a younger sibling. You can humiliate and insult them all you want, but if a stranger or even maybe a friend did it, you'd be pissed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Soo, for clarification's sake, black people(in your scenario, the older and younger sibling) can call each other the N word, but it's not okay for a white person(in your scenario, a stranger or friend) to do so? So basically, black people, regardless if they know each other, because they are black, have some sort of unity and can call each other the N word? That fact that you're referring to some unspoken bond between black people, regardless if they actually know each other, and saying that THAT'S why it's okay for them to use the N word with each other, is ridiculous. That's like me saying it's okay for any other white person to call me a certain word, but any other race calling me that word in the same exact situation, oh no, I'd be pissed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That is what I'm saying, and I don't see anything wrong with it...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I understand how youre saying a race wouldnt be racist against itself, but if blacks use it in a casual manner with each other, then why couldnt another race use it in the same casual manner without being accused of being a racist? The fact that another race couldnt do the exact same thing in a harmless manner, SIMPLY because they are a different race, seems a bit racist. I dont think the word should be used at all anymore, but my closest friend is black, and i know as a fact that she would be much more comfortable with me harmlessly using the N word with her, than any other random black person. We're not talking about family, or close friends, we're talking about how one race can do a harmless thing, but any other race cant. There should no longer be things that are only acceptable for a certain race. If one race can do something, then all races should be able to do the same. If one race cant do something, then neither should the others be able to. We should be looked at as humans, not races.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is pointless. The opinion on this varies from person to person. My best friend is white, he still can't call me nigger. Every situation is different so I'll claim an impasse.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

nah if they call me a cracker i call them a nigger only fair

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A-fucking-men. That's how it should be right there. If they wanna call me some racial slur for a white person, why can't I call them a nigger? Because clearly they're ignorant. And racist.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Your argument is like saying, "The fact that white people can't be born with penises as large as black people, but black people can, is racism in itself, amirite?"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's nothing like the OP's argument. You can't control penis size, but you can control what comes out of your mouth.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Or can you? hello

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Anyone can say the N word. Not anyone should //call// someone the N word. In fact, I don't think it's acceptable for any race to call anyone nigger. I've said it in a historical context or when reading a book aloud, but that's about it. Some black people call each other "nigga," but that is a different word. It may be distasteful for a white person to call a black person "nigga," but I don't think it is a crime. I've never heard black people calling each other //nigger//, so white people should not do it either because that word is inherently derogatory.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why would you want to say it knowing the history behind the world? And white people can say it, nothing is stopping you, you'll just look like a giant douche.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

when black people constantly say and repeat the word 'nigger' or 'nigga' or whatever term you want discuss, they are slowly taking the hate out of it and making it an everyday word. it's like how i can say fuck or hear the word fuck in a movie and not think twice about it even though it used a big deal to throw that around.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why does anyone need to say that word anyways? It doesn't make you cool for using it or anything, and you certainly don't sound like a respectable human being when you're saying it. I don't know about any of you, but I wouldn't give any respect to someone who thought it was fun to be all "lol whaur muh niggaz at yo"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Cracker plz

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't have a problem with a white person saying nigger, but calling someone a nigger is a different story.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree, but it's because black people aren't all-too-serious about it. They don't use it as a racial slur, like white people did when they went around lynching them. They use it to mean "friend", in a way. If a white person, who doesn't fit in the group of "niggers", called someone that, it would be a way of saying that they're different (And since it's a racial slur, better).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Dude, seriously, if the extent of the racism you've experienced is the fact that it's socially unacceptable for you to say nigger, then count your fucking blessings because you haven't experienced true racism.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

White people back then called black people niggas or niggers as an insult to a black person..so when a white person says it now it's no different..

by Anonymous 12 years ago

yeah, why can't the whites say noodle? it's just racism toward whites

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm 3/4 white and I can say it. Nigger.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I believe it is acceptable to say "nigger" as long as you're not calling anyone a nigger. Just like with fucker or shithead or pussy, no one really takes offense until it is directed to someone in a personal manner. However, I am in the boat that if I can't call a black guy nigger, they shouldn't call me a cracker, no matter how minuscule cracker is compared to it. Not that it has happened, it's just the principle of equality.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

From what I know from growing up in a neighborhood with many races, black people use it as both a term of endearment AND a derogatory term. I was getting off of a bus when a young black man sitting in the back shouted "What is this nigga doin'?" regarding the bus driver, who was white. When I was hanging out with a bunch of people, one white kid consistently said the word (in a way of endearment) and nobody even said anything. It's a bit of a phenomenon, in my opinion. There seems to be a culture centered around it that nobody can really understand. I understand where the word came from, but it doesn't make sense that the word is still even used today. Racial boundaries are usually viewed with caution and care, but using the word blows that concept to bits. If anything, the use of the word is reinforcing those boundaries.

by Anonymous 11 years ago