-220 To end the gay marriage controversy we could give gay couples the same rights as straight couples when they get married except call it something else. That way the religious people couldn't complain because it's technically not "marriage,", amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I understand trying to please both sides, but then how would this be fair to the gay couple getting married? Equal = Equal, not "Kinda" equal.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And we all know how well "separate but equal" works

by Anonymous 11 years ago

they're already trying that. But I don't want to 'civil union' my partner or whatever. I want to marry them.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

That's the fucking problem. We shouldn't have to do that.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

People are saying we already have this and it's not equal. But I think this poster did meant equal- with just a different title. So they'd still get the tax benefits,etc. However, I think they should be allowed to call it marriage. It's not any one persons decision to decide what someone else can do with their life if it doesn't in anyway hurt anyone. Forget about the religious connotations. Athiests can get married. Why can't gay couples? People are just people. There's no reason to get your panties in a bunch. Just because you disagree with something or you don't choose that lifestyle doesn't mean it's wrong. Same with piercings and tattoos or anything else. Just let people be. (sorry for ranting about things that have been said thousands of times. I can't fall asleep. If there's typos I'm on my iPod so sorry.)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

There's just no real reason an atheist would think gay marriage is wrong enough to try to make it illegal. Gross/unnatural, maybe, but that isn't a strong enough reason for them to want to ban them from getting married.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"

by Anonymous 11 years ago

To end the gay marriage controversy we could give gay couples the same rights as straight couples when they get married except call it marriage because fuck the people who have a problem with that

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's disconcerting how much we feel like we need to cater to religious people when it comes to politics. We shouldn't call the same process for gays marriage just because religious people are against it? Well honestly who cares? It's a problem when the laws for the whole entire country are not making progress just to save religious people from feeling uncomfortable and so they won't "complain". If it's the //same exact process//, why in hell would you not call it marriage? Sorry, religious people, but other people have other beliefs. In case we haven't figured it out already, marriage is a government process now. If it's literally legal for someone to get married 1,000 times, then marriage isn't so religious anymore. I think body modifications are gross but I'm not starting a petition to ban it because I realized it's not my right to take away anyone else's. Religious people can and will do the same with time, we just have to wait for the next generation to not be so ridiculous. We've already filed out general racism and sexism, it's not that different for homophobia.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

@BonslyGuy Why can't it just legally be called a marriage and every church who isn't okay with it call it something else? Everyone in the world can call my wife my "partner" but I would much rather her legally be my wife. Just because the church and most of society wasn't okay with interracial marriage doesn't mean they have to call their marriage something else to please everyone. And spaying and neuturing are different procedures that have the same result. Marriage and whatever gay unions would be called would be the same procedure with the same result.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I agree with everything you said spareseconds, and I usually always do. It's amazing to me that the people who want to ban gay marriage for religious reasons can't get it through their dense heads that their religion has NO place in government. None whatsoever. I've only ever met one religious person who was against gay marriage, but said it should happen anyway because their religion shouldn't have an influence on laws. People can wave around their "freedom of religion" given in the Constitution, but others have their freedom //from// religion, which is a bigger problem than a lot of people think.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I know it's the same process and the results are the same, and I see where you're coming from. However if my everyone in my entire society was called "human" and I was called "sub-human", I would not be really equal. Even though I //know// I am just as human as everybody else and even though I would be treated the same, clearly society would have an unnecessary connotation for who I am just because of what I'm called. We're a society based on language. That's why when we hear "they fucked", we think of it a different way than if we hear "they made love". Just an example. Yeah, they're both the same thing, but not exactly. It's a discrimination using words.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Anyone else getting South Park flashbacks with 'buttbuddies'?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

They could call it //super// marriage. I understand both sides of the argument and I'm too sure where I stand on it. I feel like, if I was gay, I really wouldn't mind calling it something else as long as we were married, even if it was called something different. You get the same benefits and can still say you're married even if you're actually super married. The problems is that if you're super married, you're not actually married but if you get the same benefits, I don't think it should matter that much.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The thing is, you're not gay. And the name does matter. I want to mark the box on legal documents that says married, not super married. And if I say married, that would be a lie and I could get in big trouble for that.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I don't think the issue should be the //name// though. It would be exactly like getting married but it would be a different name. People are saying it's about rights—and it is, of course—but I see rights as what you're able to do, not what it's called. You would be able to get married and you would have all of the things that go along with it except the name. It's //exactly// like marriage except religious people can't care because it's not called that.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My parents suggested that! Marriage is marriage. Gay people have the same rights to call it a marriage. Re-saying a picture that blew up on Facebook a while ago, you eat a sandwich, not a gay sandwich, and you park your car, you don't gay park it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I just think getting rid of marriage completely would be the best thing, though I understand loads of people want them and everything, in my own opinion they're a waste of money, most end in divorce, and you still get people abusing marriages. Marriages aren't always a good thing. Arranged marriages as a point in case. Also, up til the 90s in the UK you could rape your spouse and no one would count it as rape because you were married, so how could it be rape? And the sad thing is, most cases like this don't make it to court so there are plenty of people out there unprotected because of the wedding band around their finger. I like commitment, and I like the idea of being with someone for the rest of your life, but I don't like a) the legal ties, b) the idea of taking someone else's name (I know you don't have to, but people would bug me about it anyway) and c) the idea that when you're married you're the other person's property. Like they have ownership over you. I don't like that at all. And if they got rid of marriage, there would be none of this bullshit about only some people getting married and others not. Because no one would. Tl;dr--there should be no such thing as marriage.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Or, ya know, we could give them equal right because they are called rights for a reason.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Gay people should have the right to marry and call marriage. It has nothing to do with religion - many religions are against eating meat but that doesn't mean everyone has to be a vegetarian. Your beliefs should not effect the happiness of someone else, and I'd they want to call it marriage, then they can. It you have a problem with a word then you seriously need to get priorities straight.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Too be honest, I really don't see why everyone gets so worked up about gay marriage. The only difference between it and straight marriage is that the two lovers are the same gender. I see no reason why gay marriage shouln't be legalised everywhere and be called an treated as straight marriage. It's against your religion/you're homophobic/you hate gays? Okay. No one's forcing you to get 'gay married'. I respect your beliefs and we are all entitled to our own opinion. However, if you use these opinions to hinder the happiness of someone else, who's actions will effect you in no way at all, then fuck you. FUCK YOU. To do such a thing a thing is unbelievably selfish, horrible and downright rediculous. 'It's traditional for marriage to be between a man and a woman'. Times change.

by Anonymous 11 years ago