+230 If a christian is offended when an athiest says there isn't a god. who says that an athiest isn't offended when a christain says there is? amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because we aren't bashing them. It's only a contradiction to them. If anything they just think we are dumb or uneducated. Why on earth would someone be offended when they hear someone else make a statement that makes them feel smarter? The only thing I can think of that would and does bring offense is when "Christians" start trying to witness with the: "scare the hell out of you" tactic and judge you. God is the only one who can judge. Judging someone and telling them God will either condemn or except you through Jesus are two very different things.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not offended as long as they just say "I believe in God" and don't follow up with "and you're going to hell bc you don't" like most do. In fact, I do think they are dumb worthless idiots who can't think for themselves and I can't wait for the day for all religious nuts to die out so the world can actually promote intelligence rather than just say "it's creation you don't have to understand Dee Dee Dee!!" *christian drooling all over themselves* Yea they drool on themselves because they're all RETARDED. And that's what I tell people when they say I'm going to hell. Rather go to hell but be a massive drooling retard.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not all Christians are retarded. I'm not saying that because I'm Christian, I'm atheist, but I know some really good Christian people. As long as you accept other people's beliefs, and don't try to change them, I'm fine with what ever religion you are.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I have never thought of it that way...:)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Two people are looking at this the wrong way. I am personally an atheist, but I have no problems with Christians. Saying that Christians are "massive drooling retards" won't solve any problems, and doesn't get you anywhere. Also, you can't make the generalization that all Christians will shove their religions down your throat. It's not true in any sense, and that kind of closed minded thinking is what prevents us from peace and equality, in not just beliefs, but race, culture, or anything else that causes unnecessary barriers in modern society.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Aren't Christians/other religious people offended because they believe very much and worship that God? They pray and do ceremonies and whatnot, and then an atheist comes along and says something like "Oh you're worshiping empty air, none of it exists. It's all a lie and you're gullible." Of course they'll be offended. But if someone doesn't believe in unicorns, for example, and someone comes up and says "But they do exist. Only on a planet so far we'll never be able to reach it." The first guy won't be all that offended, now will he? Just maybe suspicious or humoured, maybe he'd even facepalm, it won't change anything in his disbelief.

by Anonymous 13 years ago