+34 Washing rice before cooking is totally unnecessary, amirite?

by Roderick93 1 week ago

Because rice is dirty you should at least rinse it. There's dust and debris from the milling process. You wouldn't eat produce without washing it, right?

by Remarkable-Ocelot138 1 week ago

i would wash it anyway on the off chance there's a nasty bug or something. doesn't take very long to do so why not? same with fruit, probably doesn't make a difference but there's a 0.0001% chance you just saved your own life.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well rice is usually cooked is it not? That should get rid of the bugs

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The bugs are just extra protein

by Tall_Situation_627 1 week ago


by WestScarcity4122 1 week ago