+542 Teachers say that Wikipedia is an unreliable source, but they don't mind if you use another internet source. But people could have just as easily made up information on that site just like Wikipedia. At least on Wikipedia, it lists source on where it got some of its information from, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Other sites usually don't have it so any anonymous user can edit the information.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If you knew anything you would know that you can't just edit the information. Wikipedia has changed dramatically over the years. Go to a Wikipedia page. See those little numbers? Click on them, they bring you to sources. Yes, real, legitimate sources. Every large Wikipedia page has at least a dozen of them. In theory, Wikipedia is much more reliable than other websites.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm using Wikipedia to help with my AP packet, because the packet supplies no information, Google hasn't helped, and Wiki answers all of my questions

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Apparently wiki is more reliable than old encyclopedias, because many people have access to wiki and can edit it. Encyclopedias are based on like, 6 or 7 peoples knowledge, not the hundreds of people who contribute to wiki articles.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wikipedia gets such a bad reputation for being unreliable when in reality it cites all of its facts. Wikipedia for life.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wikipedia is really reliable for the obscure things, but horribly inaccurate and confusing for big topics, typically. People can and do change it without citing sources, even though SOME of the sources get listed at the bottom of the page. It bothers me if your teachers actually let you use any other internet site but not Wikipedia because they can be just as unreliable--unless you're pulling from a .org or .edu or news website that's attached to a major news station. Those are typically more accurate than Wikipedia, though some organizations are biased toward their topic of interest and need to be read with that bias in mind.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ever heard of credibility?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My teachers say that Wikipedia is very reliable. The only problem is you can't cite it. That's why they don't want you using it. But I use it anyway. :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

teachers are stupid

by Anonymous 11 years ago