+328 Why is it, that if a man kills another man in battle it's called heroic; yet if he kills a man in the heat of passion, it's called murder? amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Is this a Wayne's World reference?

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's the reason for the killing. In battle it's to protect your values/homeland, but in "the heat of passion" it's just some emotion that makes you do it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Are you passionate about protecting your values/homeland or are you just drinking the kool-aid?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I am. And even if I wasn't, battle is still different from random killing from "passion" because random killing is usually for some selfish reason, has no risk of death for the killer, and doesn't target someone who is likely to go around murdering other (probably innocent) people. It takes a special kind of person to risk their own life to protect their own country in battles in which they may very likely die, especially when their own country accuses them of being murderers (you).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=define:+murder -kill intentionally and with premeditation; "The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered" -mangle: alter so as to make unrecognizable; "The tourists murdered the French language" -unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Think about it this way: if there was no military protecting a country, if there were no police officers authorized to use lethal force to protect the people, then there would be more people dying. Why do I say more you ask? Because anyone with two hands and a little piss poor reason to kill could do so and get away with it. Just like the legalization of weed; if it wasn't illegal more people would do it. Even though the military kills, it prevents much more death than it causes. You could even call us a force of peace, a force that prevents crazy groups from starting some global nuclear war or biochemical apocalypse. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to die from breathing acid or inhaling AIDS? Probably not, because militaries all over the world are going around preventing chemical weapons from being developed.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I like your differing view point. Obviously I'm a pacifist and don't trust the government. All I care about are my first 10 amendments, specifically 1,2,4,5,6 and then I want to be left alone. I have no quarrels with the people in the military, but I think they are always led by the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Your last paragraph, very valid point and a good way to look at it. Though when I think past that I think, "What is the real reason?"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Maybe not our government, but what about the United Nations and the European Union? They do what they can (i'm not sure how much, i'm not a politician) to keep warfare and stuff like that as clean and neat as possible. You can go ahead and be skeptical about all that, hell, most people don't trust more than themselves, but I for one think that the war we fight is for noble causes.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You are the UN. W/o America, there is no UN army. Maybe I trust the EU more, but still not so much. I know too much history to see things repeat themselves. As soon as you pay a politician, they no longer represent the people; its about money. I'm glad you believe in what you do, because sometimes at my job, I don't. I think above all humans do more killing to their same species than any other animal. Think about the origin of the Gatlin gun. Einstein was once asked how world war 3 was going to be fought. He said he didn't know, but world war 4 would be fought with sticks and stones.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Mmmm, heat of passion. Sounds erotic. Yes, this post made me think homosexual necrophilia. I admit that I have a problem.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wayne's World is indeed FTW.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

would you prefer that the people who kills on the streets are treated as heroes and continue to kill or that soldiers are sent to jail and are punished for protecting our country?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wayne's World =)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

For all anti-military people. go fuck yourselves. join the westboro baptist church if you hate them so much. And please leave the country. And you'd rather have those crazy Taliban bastards running around killing children? Are you out of your fucking mind? Do you support the Taliban? Remember 9/11?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Stop putting gas in your car and you won't support the taliban either. I support many causes, green peace, and a non-profit organization that helps kids cope, and deal who have been mentally, physically, or sexually abused. Read the bible? I don't, but I do find Luke 6:37 quite interesting. I can understand someone's view point, as an adult, without flying off the handle. Also, when trying to get a point across, try not to use so many swear words. That proves you are uneducated if you cannot express yourself, especially in an argument, with out them. As far as leaving the country, I've looked in to it, but its expensive so not something that I might do as immediately as you please. You mentioned killing babies; I'm pro-choice.

by Anonymous 13 years ago