+834 Person with common sense: "You can't cram 750 pages of book into a two hour movie without losing a ton of important stuff." Producers of Harry Potter movies: "YES WE CAN!", amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Though with #7, there's gonna be about 5 hours of movie. A little better...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah agreed with above poster. I mean they did it with Order of the Phoenix but this one is more important since it's the end of the whole series. So they are including like..everything this time which makes it two movies ^.^

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, they did not do it with Order of the Phoenix! They left out like, 3/4 of the books!! There was no Weasley is our King, no Neville with his parents in St Mungos, Ron and Hermione were not prefects, and about one million other things. I totally see your point, and I'm not trying to put down your comment, but rather point out that I was furious with the producers for leaving out my favorite parts of the book.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But it wasn't important enough to put in the movies. They can't possibly fit every little thing in the movies. You know they are never going to follow the books completely but in the 7th one they plan on staying true to most of the book which is why it is split into two movies and not just crammed into 3 hours with everything taken out. I understand what you are saying though. I was upset that they didn't have more of fred and george in the 5th movie and they took a lot of Draco's hilarious moments out of the entire series.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with you. They can't possibly fit everything in there. It's just not possible, so they have to take out a bunch of important stuff. They took a lot out of the beginning too. And the Weasley is our King thing wasn't all that important to the storyline.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

not only did they miss stuff in the sixth movie, but they changed really important things to make it more interesting for the idiots that didn't read the books such as: when harry had to hide the potions book he was supposed to go alone and hide it himself, cause in the next book he goes back alone to retrieve something that he knows is there after having seen it whilst hiding the potions book!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

no ron and hermione went with him to go get it and they found crap goyle and malfoy in there too it wasn't just harry

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I totally agree. I feel like they should make the movies for the dedicated fans who have read the books not he poeple who are too lazy to read them!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They left SO much stuff out of all of the movies. Donny wasn't included like at all other than in the 2nd and he's important, they left out the big fight scene in the sixth movie where Bill gets fucked up by the werewolf and Fleur is accepted into the family, they messed up how Dumbledore dies and made it all weird...There's a lot but that's a few. And now the 7th movie isn't going to be as good because of it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

and in the sixth one they blew up the burrow like what did that have to do with anything?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hopefully we'll get a funeral scene at the very beggining of the 7th movie. It would only be fair right?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

whoops I meant Dobby not Donny.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And it defeats the picture you had in your head when they make the movie. Like, it makes you wonder 'when did THAT happen?!'

by Anonymous 13 years ago

they should make it the way JK Rowling wrote it, who cares if the lazy people who didn't read the books get lost? When they go to read the books they will be more fucked up and it just maeks it worse for us :((

by Anonymous 13 years ago