+77 It is stupid that women think they have it COMPLETELY harder than guys. OK, we get the fact that getting punched in the breasts hurts, and we don't know the pain of going through prgnancy or a period. But do you know how much it sucks getting random erections or getting kicked in the balls? No, I don't believe you do. Or at least I hope you don't. There is suckiness being either gender, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

you jerk...don't even think guys have it as hard as girls. We have to spend time dressing and doing our hair. We have to have kids. We have to have it hurt during sex. We have periods and have to spend money on bras and feminine products. We are expected to cook, clean, and raise a family. I'd call that pretty damn hard you ass.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

how does "dressing and doing our hair" complicated? In a way we do think of finding the right suit/ shirt you know, and guys.. we do fix our hair once in a while, some of us like to try and make it as natural as possible too. :P You don't have to have kids if you don't want to. And hey, having sex only hurts the first time! As well, we males are here to help too, whether your cooking or cleaning, or even raising your damn kid, this is something you should expect a husband to do, plus you sound like a house-mom who doesnt work. and if that's the case, we're the one providing you a damn house, working our ass off to keep food on the table, and paying the tax/ and bills. Again, if you're satisfy with the cooking,cleaning,raising the kid, or work come to a mutual agreement.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I think that we all should agree that both genders have it just as bad.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Dressing is difficult because it hard to chose something that you won’t get slut shamed/ cat called in then when you wear a hoodie and joggers you think people are judging you.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

We don't *have* to spend time dressing and doing our hair. We don't *have* to have kids. It shouldn't hurt during sex and if it does, you're doing it wrong. We do have periods and have to spend money on bras and feminine products, but guys have to buy condoms so they don't knock us up. This is not the 50's. We are not expected to do those things. This is all pretty ridiculous, from a woman's point of view, anon.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

pssh. im a girl and i know that comment was bullshit. seriously? "doing our hair?" how long does it friggin take you? and the kids and cleaning thing? im pretty sure that any girl who COMPLAINS about doing their hair should not be anywhere NEAR children.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

well guys get embarrassed if get a boner tlaking to a hot girl

by Anonymous 14 years ago

oh boo hoo

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Leaking threw you trousers is way worse

by Anonymous 2 years ago

I'm kinda on the fence with this one...lol. I absolutely hate it when other chicks bitch and moan about periods and stuff. lol. But guys, really. Imagine giving birth to another human being. It would be embarrassing to get random boners, though xD So yeah. Embarrassing/sucky stuff for both genders. lol.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Okay, boners=want sex, it's only embarrassing. Periods and pregnancy, periods come once a month, and for me, sometimes I literally cannot walk because my cramps are so bad; pregnancy I can't say, but every mother I've talked to said it's the worst pain they've ever experienced. And you only get kicked in the balls if you deserve it, or if your friends are idiots. I'm not a feminist by any means, but really suck it up, i'd have that over a period or giving birth. To the guy who said guys have to do their hair and pick out clothes: the girl meant that most girls have to straighten and blowdry their hair and they are expected to shave, and most wear make up. For the clothes, I have no defense except ours may be more expensive

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Sex can hurt the first feww times too. Especially with a large penis..ow.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(graveyard waitress): You called?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

XD The fact that your icon has dark glasses and your fingers on your chin in an intrigued way made me laugh even more. XD

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

Most of these comments are way too long. Each gender will never know what it is like to be the other (unless they are transvestites or somthing).

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i think its hard being a guy or a girl no one really wins on that one big deal that we get our periods (one week out of the month! and you can take medicine to make it more bearable) and "have" to give birth (dont have a kid if you're gonna complain about the pain so much!)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Have you heard about rape , sex trafficking men do that to us .. that can lead to pregnancy , medicine doesn’t do shit if you throw it up .. also once a week of a month na man a week of school a month I would be dumb as hell if I did that maybe a 1 day but that’s usually if I cannot walk so

by Anonymous 2 years ago

haven't done anything on this site in about 11 years and i'm late to this but were you trying to debate with 10 year old comments my guy lmao

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I'd rather have boners than a period, because I could totally show off how big my dick is. (: About those two comments saying periods aren't that bad, I don't know what happens during YOUR one week, but even with medicine I feel like I'm dying, so fu. ):

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Actually, not every boy has a big one. If you have one that's small, you are deamed "small one" for life. And plus, they are embarassing when you go up to speak publicly. One tyhought that goes through a boys mind at least 5 times a year is, "Oh god. Why did I wear sweatpants?"

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I know every guy doesn't have a big one, but I'm saying that if I was a boy, I'd totally have a big one.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

0_o How d'you know?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Nevermind. It must be all those TicTacs.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

yes, and every day of a girl's period, when she stands up or is walking around, she has to be careful of leaking or something. At least guys know what's happening, but for girls, we have to wait til somebody says something to us to even realize it

by Anonymous 14 years ago

My dad almost talked to me about the doggy menstral cycle. 0_o I ran quickly.

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

I'd have to tilt just because the weight of my cock would be so heavy. So..yeah..

by Anonymous 14 years ago

okay i have to get in on this. first off, if we 'dont have to have kids' expect the human race to end then. and as for us complaining about our periods... ARE YOU EFFING STUPID!? i started the day before 4th grade. i was effin 9 years old. all the way from there till 10th grade i had the worst periods ever. i was a heavy bleeder. not only that but i was ALWAYS sick. i would throw up from the pain and cramps i got and coupldnt even go to school on the first day of my period for years. try that every month. i still have the bad pains just not the illness. you try walking around and acting normal with blood coming out of you and it feels like a horrible infection. dont you ever EVER compair to getting kicked in the balls to periods. you have that what? once a year or so? if that! ugh yeah i mad.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Please, read the last line of my post. I'm sure it sucks, but my mother told me giving birth wasn't painful. And, it depends on the girl. Apparently, one girls says having periods isn't that bad. It's perspective. But apparently females never look at how hard it is to be male, and females like you only bitch about how hard it is being a girl. I'm pretty sure you will soon have a man in your life. He will help you through that. Do you think he wants to? No. I'm pretty sure he'd rather be in bed. But, he wants to assist you. And you have no idea how much trouble guys go through to impress women. It can ven lead to loss of his virginity. You guys may think it takes alot to impress us, but really it only takes big breats, nice personality, and nce smelling breath. Heck, 75% of guys don't even care about breast size! 5%, like me, are on the fence. So, yea, please step into our shoes and experience our pain before you go back tobitch and moan about your problems. :) com

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Guys are in the most pain when becoming a father, because guys aren't as mature to become a parent. You should feel lucky you have your maternal instincts. We don't have paternal instincts. We do, but they don't kick in for a while. And, lus, guys are usually expected more out of, so if you become a nobody, you are made fun of alot. If you are a guy, you are expected to be all athletic and stuff, or be all techy. If you aren't, you are in for a rough life, especially with the ladies.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I know the people, who are probably mostly girls, saying that periods are worse than boners are basically saying the same thing. And I know my message is basically the same thing too. But seriously. I'm willing to kick any guy in the balls for 7 days straight if he says that getting kicked there is worse than or equivalent to the pain you get from periods. My period is so bad that sometimes I have to miss school. I'll be in my bed having a river of blood come out of my vagina. Is getting kicked in the balls so bad that you have to miss school and "cry in agony" about the pain for about a week? No, I don't think so. Oh, and for that don't have a baby if you don't want the pain thing, not only would the human race decline as said before, but sometimes a few of us can't help it. Rape cases, drunk sex, etc. Girls get pain, guys get embarrassment, hmm.. Even so, guys have it just a teensy bit better in my opinion. But we'll never actually know. Everyone is different, so whatever.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Actually, I was comparing a kick in the balls to a punch in the breasts.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

IF YOU WERE A GUY YOU WOULD KNOW, about getting kicked in the balls and the pain it gives you. and btw getting kicked in balls may result to no babies

by Anonymous 14 years ago

A period is worse by far … you get embarrassment , feeling awful 😣, anxieties on the roof , depression and Risk of toxic shock syndrome

by Anonymous 2 years ago

hmmmm.... lets put it like this. if you knew that you were gonna get junk punched repeatedley every month and then have to shove a wad of cotton in your dick, i think youd be pretty pissy too. so just let us complain, and i can gauran- fucking- tee that you will get head for trying to understand our pain. but dont call it stupid, because we feel bad for you when you get junk punched

by Anonymous 14 years ago

okay, so maybe being a guy can suck sometimes, but i still think girls have it MUCH WORSE. yes, getting ciked in the balls must hurt like crazy, but it's not like you get kicked in the balls every month for a whole week! getting random erections is embarassing, i get that, but you can just get over it later. when girls get their periods, they get cramps, mood swings, some even get sick, oh and did i mention the annoying MOOD SWINGS?!?! plus, girls are aways expected to wear make up and always worry abut what our clothes look like and... blah blah blah blah blah. plus, we have been looked at as the weaker gender for centuries, and still are to some people (who are jerks). guys must be so sick of hearing girls complain, but it's true!!!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

(...girl):Actually, no you are not expected to wear some fancy stuff. I see alot of girls just go ouyt in a t-shirt and jeans and they are some of the more popular females. You arten't expected to wear make-up. Those are what we call CHOICES my friend. Guys are expected to look all ghetto and have their pants at their ankles. Guys are expec ted to be athletic. Guys are expected to be tough. Guys have their fair share of expectations. And, I know alot of guys admnit the femenine race is stronger than the masculine race. Most likely cause they won't want to get beat up by their girlfriends, but they still admit it! And, getting kicked in the balls does have it's fatalities. @49874 That is TRUE, and everybody has mood swings. The periods just make it alot more frequent. Oh, and by the way, *kicked.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Getting kicked in the balls can make us unable to have children, EVER. A girl having a period means she just missed the chance for a child TEMPORARILY. Plus, getting kicked there can hurt for DAYS.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

And plus if we had an erection at that moment, we could be bleeding there as well. :O

by Anonymous 14 years ago

the testicle might screw up and no sperm is then produced. if you wnked it would be retarded because no sperm coming out

by Anonymous 14 years ago

random erections huh?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I think everyone needs to chill and realize that everyone's life sucks sometimes. The end.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Ah..but this flame war is only beginning. :o

by Anonymous 14 years ago

So to recap: Guys: kicked in the balls, no paternal instincts, random erections, expectations to live up to, Girls: Child birth, period, punched in the boob, disrespected in the past Anything I missed?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Oh. Haha. Very funny. I'm not saying guys have it harder than girls. I'm saying that both genders have hardships to go through, and neither gender could live as the other. Oh, and take "Paternal Instincts" off. They kick in, just in the later years.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Girls have expectations to live up to , oh you also forgot being cat called and being slut shamed

by Anonymous 2 years ago

How about this - both genders have it rough. End of convo, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Men have more of a natural capability to have emotionless sex. It is scientifically proven. And they get sexually aroused by only looks. Girls can do neither. If a girl doesn't do her hair/makeup/have the perfect body she is ridiculed. Trust me. IT happened to me. 35% of women never orgasm. Sex/masturbation is a whole lot more complicated and I honestly think it's better for guys. Periods are HELL. girls are so much more attractive, but we have to like guys. UGH. Girls have it harder. you are so IGNORANT. If you think differently. OMG I GOT A BONER. MY LIFE IS SO HARD! TRY BLEEDING THROUGH YOUR PANTS, MORON. That shit stays all day.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And boys don't get raped nearly as much as girls

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And if you have a small penis. Oh well. No one will know. If you have small boobs, EVERYONE knows. Your mom knows. Your dad knows. Your classmates know.

by Anonymous 13 years ago