+146 why dont the newscasters cry when they read about people who die, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Isn't this from a song by Jack Johnson?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

...they're not exactly supposed to express their reactions or opinions on things. It's their job to inform people about current events and have an unbiased opinion, even if a person died... I get where you're coming from though

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Unless it's Fox news...then all of those rules fly out of the window.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

or nbc...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

not NBC Nightly News...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah but NBC in general is pretty biased.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Maybe the smaller news casters within the NBC station, because it's up to those individual stations what they say and how they say it. I think we can both agree that there really is no way to broadcast the news without one group of people getting offended or finding it slightly biased.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Which is exactly why you shouldn't be saying shit like that about Fox.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Which is exactly why you shouldn't be saying shit like that about Fox.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Whoa there, I was just stating my opinion..I picked Fox news because they are just a bit notorious for their opinions and news stories.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You should back up your opinion then. Every news station has a bias, Fox only gets a bad reputation for being conservative, probably because every other station is liberal.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Opinions don't need back up, that's why they're opinions, they can be whatever you want them to be. I wasn't saying that no news station is completely unbiased..and yes, I agree with you that Fox has the bad reputation becuase of the whole conservative/liberal thing. Here's the thing with the news, there are so many stations out there that if one station bothers you all you have to do is change the channel to pick one that you find to be the most informative.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

yeahh unless it's something so pitiful that everyone has the same reaction, like that one story about that girl throwing puppies into the river

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Cat lovers...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Fox News is the most accurate source of news out there.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

That'd be sooo annoying, I'd be like, "Wtf, I don't care, I don't know these people"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Your overwhelming empathy for your fellow man is admirable.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I try... but seriously, isn't it annoying when people call on the radio and they start crying? It's like get over yourself, so you had a life changing experience or you parents died... we don't even know you, why would you embarrass yourself like that? I bet their friends are sitting at home laughing at them....

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Same reason you don't cry when you hear it on TV

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why don't YOU cry when learning about genocide in history class?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic." ~ Stalin

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"I fail to see why humans have a harder time comprehending 400 deaths than 4"- Mr. Spock

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm trying to understand that... isn't that the logical thing to do??? I mean I'm fairly indifferent, but logically speaking the more pain the worse things are and so 400 deaths would be greater than 4 and that'd be worse... right? I'm not a big Star Trek fan and I can't find the quote online, so I don't know if you have the quote reversed?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's from the fourth episode in the original series. They didn't really figure out what they wanted to do with the characters until later, so I guess they were just trying to make him sound logical.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Maybe I'm misunderstanding it, but I understand it as 400 deaths is worse than 4 deaths, isn't that logical? Or is it saying vice versa? English isn't my first language, so somethings I have difficulty understanding....

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Probably because it becomes so much more personal.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Probably. when it's a few people, you think how sad it is that those people had to be the ones to go, but if it's a lot, it's like they had less of a chance anyway. And a lot of people are going through the same thing if a lot die, so there's more support I guess.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well I was more referring to the fact that if it's only something like 4 people, they can release names and interview families, unlike with 400 seemingly faceless people.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

True. Then they'll show stuff like their baby pictures or talk about their dreams for the future.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It just makes them seem more human.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It really is true. When they say Carey Anthony died, you hear a person, when they say, 300 people died today, you're really hearing a number. Maybe the way it's presented it the only difference. Then again, if they showed the pictures and names of everyone that died in a big event, and talked to their families, less than halfway through a lot of people would just be like, "are they done yet?" and not care as much.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's sad that murders and deaths are exploited just for more views.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*coughcayleeanthonycough* oh, excuse me- *coughmichaeljacksoncough* I think I have a frog in my throat- *coughosamabinladencough* I'd better go see a doctor.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well they might, but they have already heard what story they're reporting sometimes. Or after they might. But it's life, and it's sad. The only thing you can do is keep living.

by Anonymous 12 years ago