+267 You feel bad for kids that are homeschooled, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I actually know a lot of people that are/were homeschooled. They are perfectly happy and nice.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

All the kids I know who are homeschooled are really socially awkward...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Really? I know three. One of them is a little strange, but he's still cool. The other two are just awesome :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, all of them are just so... Uncomfortable around other people. There's one kid who worked with me, and he never spoke a word. I'd say hi and he'd just stare. I thought it was me at first, but then I found out that's how he is with everybody.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@590857 (PracticeSafeLunch33): Huh. Well, everyone I know that was/is homeschooled either used to or still does participate in activities outside school (mainly theater). I guess that helps.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Did it ever occur to you it might not be homeschooling that makes him that way? I homeschool my son who has Aspergers Syndrome and that would be how he'd treat you. Not because he's homeschooled, but because he has a disability. I know far more public school kids that are rude and disrespectful than I do homeschool kids.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not saying that they would rude and disrespectful if they were homeschooled I'm just saying that they might not develope valuable social skills.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know what you said. But I could make the argument that public school kids are rude, sexually active, and can't get along well with people not their own age. But that would not always be the case therefore it's rude to state that. A majority of Homeschool kids are in Scouts, education co-ops, sports, or youth groups.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, that is rarely the case. Public schools are multiple grades and students learn early to get along at least alittle with everyone. Most teens I know that are rude are because it's just their personality. Sexual activity has nothing to do with public school, it's the area they come from and how they personally grew up to view situations. I know two homeschooled teens. The guy makes sexual comments all the time and the girl never fully got the concept of personal space or understands the fact that when I ask if we can change topics from her trumpet and pet rabbit after listening for an hour, I mean I don't want to talk about them anymore or HEAR about it. Both go to youth groups, and church and the girl does drama.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I was homeschooled from 2nd grade until high school. No one knew that I was unless I told them and when I did they always said I didn't act like it at all. It depends whether the person was really sheltered or not. I hung out with people and was never socially awkward. I had a lot of people in high school tell me how they wished they were and wanted me to tell them all about it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The homeschooled kids I know have a VERY sheltered life. Even kids with public school, if your parents overly shelter or do that annoying TV Role-Mom thing, they turn out slightly awkard with other people. That and alot of people(Not all) who say that want to be homeschooled think that it's beyond easy and won't have to do any work, sleep til noon, stay up, and such.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know what you mean, and trust me, I have come across so many kids are are the typical homeschool stereotype. And yes, the first thing they always ask me was if I got to do my school in pajamas. Yes I did, and I was finished in 2 hours BUT I had to teach myself everything so it was very difficult

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I am homeschooled. And I'm not like that. Some people think I'm quiet bu it's not because I'm socially awkward but because I just don't like talking to them. My friends know I am not quiet or socially awkward.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Heyyy! =P I was homeschooled my whole life, (in college now) and I had a blast being homeschooled! No need to feel sorry here. Most of the time the people who feel sorry for homeschoolers don't understand that it's actually the homeschoolers who feel sorry for the public schoolers. Not having the freedom to wear whatever they want, not having the opportunity in choosing whether you want to do a certain subject or save it for another day, being told what time to eat, having to stay with the whole class and not being able to move on faster if you understand the material faster than your peers, not being able to take breaks whenever you want, not being able to take a day off school for your birthday, not having the opportunity to SLEEP IN everyday, I could go on forever! Oh and I know someone is gonna have abconrback saying how we miss out on dances and such...before you say that, get your research done in order to find out that there are many hs groups that do all that stuff. I w...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I just started high school and I go to a self-directed school. I don't have classes, I can choose which subject to work on and all of the things you said, except for the wearing whatever you want and taking a day off. It is very fun This was directed to the kids whose parents don't let them go outside and have any fun. I know that some (maybe the majority) people that are homeschooled are not socially awkward.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*come back Ha I'm so tired

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ew, rant comments. Those are no fun.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i'm homeschooled but i still hang out with alot of friends from my own school which is sometimes a problem cause it kinda distracts me from actually doing work, and some homeschooled kids are normal but others most certainly are creepy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm homeschooled & I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me. Especially about something so petty.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm homeschooled. :\ and I hate it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I failed everything in highschool, yet got 'above average' scores on all state standardized testing. Mom took me outta public school my freshman year. Started homeschooling. Met with a teacher an hour a week. Its not for everyone, it was perfect for me. I'm def not socially awkward either. I'm a makeup artist and work everything from bridal parties to club events, most recently doing events for body painted models. Most def can't be quiet and shy in this industry! Homeschool<3

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What the hell for?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why? I was home schooled for every grade until 9th grade. I'm now a Freshman at a public school and everybody is surprised when I tell them I was home schooled. I really don't understand why some people have such weird/bad assumptions about home schooled children...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I have lots of home schooled friends, and they're all very nice and smart, because their teachers don't have to waste time on 20 other kids. They also get to wake up around 9:00, and can be done at any time between 12:00-3:00. But they are all Christian, conservative, and have very biased political views. And they have no sense of competition in schoolwork.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd only feel bad for them, because they'd probably miss out on stuff like prom and homecoming, unless they were really good friends with someone who went to a public school and got invited by them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We homeschooled in Texas and they had a HUGE Homeschool Prom in Dallas every year. It was the most amazing event I'd ever seen, made the public school Prom look like a Elementary party. I'm not trying to be mean just the facts. The ticket paid for a very nice meal, it was themed, they had free dance lessons for 2 weeks prior to prom, it was wonderful. You should really research it more. Some homeschool kids would agree with you, most wouldn't however.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's pretty cool. There's nothing like that in my town, but it'd be really neat if it was.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I kind of wished I was home schooled because I much rather do work with my tutors than at school. So no, I never felt bad.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I meet kids with this opinion often. They would like to be able to move at their own pace rather than have to be waiting on others OR missing something because things are moving too quickly. We also get to go on field trips when public school kids are in school, less crowded then. I currently have 1 daughter that's a Senior in public school and my 12 year old that I homeschool.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Don't feel bad. We only have like 3 hours of school a day and are done before 1:00 and still get higher test scores than public schooled kids. Plus, who do you think gets to go to all the fun places during school hours when no one else is there? Can you say no waiting in lines? I can.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That is our experience exactly.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm homeschooled and this post offends me SO much x.x I have been my whole life and I'm not socially awkward at all. I have lots of homeschooled friends, as well as friends that go to school. I'm in dance classes, sports, theatre, etc. If anything, being homeschooled allows me to be MORE social because I have more time for afterschool activities. Think before you post, okay? Just because a few kids are socially awkward and homeschooled doesn't mean we all are. In fact, most of the antisocial kids went to public school /first/--their parents pulled them because being homeschooled would be better for them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Homeschooled and ...): I always told people that were 'concerned' about my kids socialization that if they were any MORE socialized we'd never be home.

by Anonymous 13 years ago