+623 If god DID make the earth, it would be funny if he just planted all the fossils and evidence of evolution just to screw with us, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The Southern Baptists actually believe the devil put dinosaur bones in the earth to stray people from God. no

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

oh God. look i believe in God and i can deal with evolution, i think it's really smart and if we did evolve from apes, then we did.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Believing in God doesn't make you a Christian any more than believing in engines makes you a car. Demons acknowledge God and His power.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i never said i was a christian. you don't have to be to believe in God.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There we go. So you can believe in God, and evolution, but not Christianity and evolution.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

when did i say that?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*waits for a massive debate to ensue*

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i have no intention of debating :|

by Anonymous 13 years ago

did you get what you want?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I go to a catholic school and they teach evolution so you can be christian and believe in evolution

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, you can't. Evolution didn't happen, and the Bible says differently. You can't be a Christian and try to diminish the Bible.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

the Catholic Church does not denounce belief in evolution, nor do they say it didn't happen. therefore you can be a Christian and believe in evolution, if you so choose

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well since when do the Catholics speak for all? The Catholics aren't a very good representation of the Christian Faith.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you said you can't be a Christian and believe in evolution, are Catholics not Christian?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You tell me. They don't hold the Bible in high esteem, they try to diminish Jesus, and they place Mary higher than God. And they pray to things other than our Creator. So no, you can't be a Christian and blatantly ignore the Bible.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I am a Catholic, and we do not place Mary above god, nor do we ignore the bible, and Catholicism was the first denomination of Christianity, so the statement you made, "Christians cannot believe in evolution" is untrue

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Uh, what about all of Genesis 1? Did you throw that out the window? Y'all pray to Mary, and other saints. what about the first commandment? Or second, for that matter. It isn't the same today as it was. Catholics place much too much emphasis on traditions rather than Biblical facts

by Anonymous 13 years ago

we don't worship the saints, we ask them to pray to God on our behalf. The saints just represent someone in your corner who can bring your intentions to God. In short, when we pray to saints, they then redirect those prayers to the Father

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh, wait, where exactly in the Bible does it say we should NOT pray directly to God? Nowhere? Jesus bridged the gap, and you're still trying to circumvent that? Pitiful.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

the bible wasn't written to be taken word for word, and who are you to tell me who I can and can't pray to

by Anonymous 13 years ago

don't let scranton get to you, he's just a low life that has to have his own way or else he throws a tantrum. Like so.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i'm not lettng him get to me, i'm just trying to have a mature conversation and defend my point of view

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh, now denouncing the faith. Where did God say we should pick and choose what to believe? Or did He say "ALL scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, and training in righteousness." 1 Timothy 3:16

by Anonymous 13 years ago

2 Timothy* I'm on my phone, sorry.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

in what way did i denounce faith in God?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You said "Who are you to say whom I can or can't pray to?" (I corrected your grammar, though) And I'm not anyone. God tells us not to. Read Exodus 20:4-6 "4 Do not make an idol for yourself, whether in the shape of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. 5 You must not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the fathers' sin, to the third and fourth of those who hate Me, 6 but showing faithful love to a thousand [generations] of those who love Me and keep My commands." Hmm?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

as i've already said, praying to the saints is no different than asking someone to pray for you. saying a prayer to the saints is asking them to pray to the Lord on your behalf

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Uh-huh. Well the Bible's clear, but if you wanna keep breaking the second commandment, be my guest. Also, why would they be more able to plead to God than you? You believe God ignores all but the made up saints?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The saints can pray for you all the time, where humans live hectic lives and don't always have the time

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ever hear the verse " 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 You say you don't have time for your God? Also, where are the verses backing up what you say? Yeah, I'm a Baptist. And I actually believe God's word, unlike you, who ignores most of it. Like the verses I've listed.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

as a baptist, have you ever asked your preacher/pastor to pray for you, or heard anyone else ask for his prayers?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes. But I didn't pray to him to plead on my behalf, I asked him, and also prayed. I didn't pray to my pastor to pray to God, I prayed either WITH him, or prayed alone, and asked him to do the same.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I cannot humanly communicate with a saint, so i say a prayer to them

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Let me make an analogy, are you a baptist?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@839654 (scrantoncity): LMAO the phrase "biblical facts" made me lol.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

excuse you? You also can't be christian and beat down other religions of the christian faith. I'm Catholic and I am very offended by that remark, asshole. And duh, life has been around for more than 6-8 thousand years, idiot, go back to high school so you can relearn that. Dickwad.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Woah, try to uphold some parts of your claimed Faith. What about Matthew 15:18-20? "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man." Try to represent Jesus, buddy. But thanks for being such a good example of Catholicism not really being a Christian denomination!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I went to a Catholic school and the only reason they taught evolution was because they HAD to in science. Before the lesson we still got told that we shouldn't beleive it and that God DID make everything the way it said in the bible.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

we didn't evolve from apes, we have a common ancestor.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Uh, no we don't, moron. That isn't true at all, and I'd appreciate your limiting of lies about my denomination.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

2 second ago you lied about my denomination...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Where? Because quite frankly, all I've said was factual, generally. It does, of course, vary church by church, but typically praying to Mary or saints instead of God is a sin.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What evidence, exactly?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

fossils and the the different species Darwin noticed on the Galapagos islands and all that jazz

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okay, expand upon "fossils." Because so many are fraudulent it's hard to know what you're saying. The finches? Don't make me laugh. They're all still finches, right? They can still breed with each other, right? They aren't crows or something, now are they?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yes those finches. and the turtles! from one common ancestor that somehow arrived on that archipelago, they became 5 different species of turtles with finches from adapting to their enviroments! evolution at its finest. but i don't think that i'm the one that should be arguing about evolution, it's not my strong point. i'm more concerned with the future and global warming and whatnot

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Uh, no. That's evolution? Uh, no it's not. That's variation. The finches are still finches and can breed. The turtles are still turtles and can breed. That's adaptation, NOT trans-species evolution.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well adaption is what starts evolution! you get a finch that has a genetic mutation for a bigger beak. all the sudden this finch is living the high life because of his ability to crack nuts and get more food than everyone else! and he gets more mates, and these mates pass the gene for this bigger beak onto their offspring. alas, the new generation has larger beaks, and so does the next, until the finch has evolved so it all has large beaks in that particular area! it might not seem like much, but something like that can probably happen in a time period of 10,000 years, and seeing life on earth has been around for something like 3 billion years, there's a lot of room for changes.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Right, but there's a limit. The finch won't ever get a beak the size of a submarine. The finch also won't ever become a non-finch. The finch population simply cannot change genetic information. Thus It's variation. And life's been around for 6-8 thousand years, not 3 billion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lol why would a finch need a beak the size of a submarine. and life has been around way longer than 6-8 thousand years.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't know, but it couldn't get one that big. And evidence for that last claim?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How about evidence for you "6-8 thousand" claim.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You want evidence? Go here: http://www.earthage.org/youngearthev/evidence_for_a_young_earth.htm That, my friends is a suitable link. The evidences are lined up straight, and they are very clear. Giving me a link which relies on evolution to be true doesn't count for much.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

LOL i'm sorry but i don't really think i can take something seriously that mentions "dragon bones"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Dragons are dinos. And that is your response. Bravo.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well i think any website that calls dinosaurs "dragons" isn't exactly very reliable dragon- http://www.crystalinks.com/dragon.gif dinosaur-http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/11_04/dinosaurG2711_468x351.jpg notice the dinosaur's distinct inability to spit fire

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Did you know the word dinosaur was created in 1841. Previously, they had been referred to as 'dragons.' Now, today, sure, it's a bit odd, but not if you're trying to make a point. Also, is that your only response?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

In 1841 slavery was legal. And i think the science of plate tectonics shows earth has been around for WAY more than 6000-8000 years

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, how, exactly, is that relevant? Also, in what way?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well in 1841 people thought many crazy things! like slavery being legal. you also did not address the point i made

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, actually slavery wasn't crazy. It's just considered crazy today. Back then it was normal. But that is utterly irrelevant! The word dinosaurs was coined in 1841, and in the King James version of the Bible, it says "dragons." So the website said "dragons." I don't know what you're trying to say. Explain HOW it shows that, because honestly, A: it doesn't, as catastrophe(s) can easily cause rapid change, and B: Plate tectonics is just a theory.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

plate tectonics is more than a theory. it's regarded as a sure thing with the scientific community. and, the Hawaiian hotspot. an uprising of hot magma that has been going on for millions of years. http://geo.web.ru/Lectures/Plechov/lecture-1/Hawaii_hotspot.jpg

by Anonymous 13 years ago

not to mention you can take just about any kind of rock from a mountain and use carbon dating to find its over-10000 year age

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The scientific community also holds evolution in high esteem, but it's false. Don't even bring up carbon dating/ radiometric dating. Are you kidding? That is utter crap, and I don't hold any respect for those who think it's valid. It's baseless, incomparable, and impossible to verify.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They have carbon dating that places fossils to have once inhabited the innards of a creature living millions of years ago.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Dude, I've explained maybe 8 times what's wrong with carbon and radiometric dating.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

John F. Kennedy is alive. Prove me wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

He was shot twice and now he's buried. We can witness this, and there are records.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That was a decoy designed to throw us off by the government. You can NOT find JFK's autopsy records anywhere.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ah, but what about video? Also, we can ask firsthand people who witnessed it. You can come up with conspiracy theories all day, But you won't have any evidence for it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Video was faked, the government paid those people to not say anything. Maybe him being alive was a bad example. How about he was taken out by our own government? Prove THAT wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're making it up, you need evidence. It's easy to say "well I have a monster in my bedroom, but he's only there when no one is in the house." Well, evidence of that?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Guy who shot Kennedy got shot and murdered by a guy who killed himself in prison. Evidence. You happy?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

scrantonn seriously just get out of here every one hates you. You must be a very angry little man, u have an argument where you blame everyone else and has to get his own way like every day.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

**have to get your own*

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, nah. I'm sorry you're incapable of a rebuttal, but that doesn't make me wish to leave. After all, being right is oh so sweet. It's great experiencing it so often. Also, I, unlike you, don't care about my public opinion on a website. If everyone Hates me, fine, it's not my fault they can't defend their beliefs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not making personal attacks here, but you can't prove me wrong here, can you? The government lost JFK's autopsy records. The shooter was taken out and JFK wasn't exactly a moral guy like the public liked to think. The government wanted people to stay that way, so they took him out and placed it on a scapegoat who was killed after shooting him so he could never tell anyone. The guy who killed the scapegoat ended up killing himself. That's pretty sketchy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

He's still dead. As I've said, you can conspiracy theorize all you want, but you need evidence.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

just because we pray to Mary and other saints doesn't mean we put them above Jesus and God. Woww u just can't stop with the put downs to the Catholic faith can you?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

can you please just leave amirite obviously nobody likes you. The second someone says something against your religion you beat down other ones. Nobody even wants to tolerate you, just go take a lap.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually there is plenty of evidence against evolution and as for dinosaurs they existed, that doesn't disprove anything. People will believe what they want to, just realize science has not and can not disprove the Bible.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*waits for a massive debate to ensue*

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't think they're talking about you, Peanuts. I think they're talking about the "science lies" dumbass. They don't think the devil "planted" dinosaur bones; they think scientists made up when they came from. *Someone* seems to think that just because carbon dating isn't always spot-on accurate, that can account for thousands of years of difference between the ages of dinosaur bones and the oldest human artifacts. It is to lawl, yes?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

hello friend <: and yes i agree with you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ohai! =^.~= I made a post about this topic(sortof) earlier, but mine never make it to the homepage the same day I make them. Not popular enough; I spend too much time pissing people off xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why can't people just believe evolution is a natural law of nature, much like everything else God created. It's like saying you don't believe in atomic molecular structure because it's not in the bible...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

see that's what i mean <:

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, the fossils are evidence for the Flood. Don't trust this site if you don't want to, but if you're open-minded you can do some research on the subject ... http://creation.com/death-throes http://creation.com/exploding-evolution http://creation.com/fossils-questions-and-answers

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And to that arsenal: http://www.drdino.com/rapid-fossilization This is a VERY good source.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Drdino is not a very good source in my opinion, I don't trust Kent Hovind anymore.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why? You know what's funny? Henry David Thoreau refused to pay taxes, and was hailed as a hero. Hovind does it, and is the worst person on the planet. That doesn't change the validity of the information.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I trust him as a person, but I don't trust his "science". He's just one person trying to disprove the whole evolution theory (biology, geology, astronomy etc.). Some of his arguments are really stupid, and most of his good arguments are taken from real scientists. So, I think that he's trying to do a good thing, but he's not a reliable source if you want to disprove evolution.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Nah, I don't care if he's speaking directly from someone else, as long as it's true. I would just like to find who is that smart Also, have you heard his debates? They're incredible.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

umm no. Your an idiot.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Aw, he's trying to post his stupid biased links as Anon now, like it matters. "Creation.com"... yeah, that's a good source for information without an agenda ono

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, if you're intelligent at all, you'll notice I'm on mobile. You can't anon on mobile if you want notifications.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, I'm on mobile, and I can anon any damn time I please, so I know that isn't true. Also, I can't tell who else is on mobile from my interface. It was pretty idiotic to use "intelligent" in that sentence, since nothing you said related to intelligence in any way. Observational skills, perhaps, if the information were even available, but it isn't. Good try being snarky, though. Definite fail.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh yeah... drdino is a GREAT source of unbiased information. First line I saw? "Do you know how to defend the christian worldview?" LMAO That means, right off the bat, that every piece of "evidence" on that site is presented with the sole purpose of supporting christian beliefs. Things they haven't come up with rebuttals for yet won't be listed, and every piece of information will be viewed from one point of view only. It's pointless. Only sites that present information for it's own sake only, with no other agenda, are unbiased.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ever hear of the reply button? And don't say it doesn't work on mobile, for that's utter BS, as I do it all the time. Also, once again, you're trying to invalidate my sources. Well, hmm. Nice try, but fail.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

obviously you need to do more research: there is no evidence of evolution or creation: they are both faiths. They don't fall into the realm of science because they are not observable or repeatable. I believe in Creation.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What do you mean? Theres ton of evidence for evolution. They've found fossils that show clear transitions over millions of years. Theres even the living example of Darwin's finches.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What, there's transitional fossils? Uh, no, there aren't. Give me exactly five clear, obvious, and definite transitional fossils. Oh, and don't even try to bring up the monkey-men Australopithecus people. They're so fake. Darwin's finches exemplify variation, or adaptation. NOT Macro-evolution. Are they finches, or are they crows?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hey everyone how much do you bet that if he had been living just a couple years earlier than now scranton wud have been a member of the KKK? I bet a lot, with all of that religious intolerance he has.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

D: I came here to say this made me laugh(I can just imagine God and a bunch of Angels pointing and laughing at us), and then I get bombarded with debates. -sigh- Half of you are too firm in your disbelief to see reason, and the other half are too firm in your belief to see reason. It's an endless cycle that's been going on since people were created(And I do say created, with no regrets. I hate what people have turned God into, but He and His word are something beautiful). And about the websites mentioned, I'd love to see a website that's totally neutral and states the facts supporting each side.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

90 + Paleontologists on amirite.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

the last time i ever comment on something like this

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*yawn* Your sources discredit themselves, and your arguments make you a joke with no help from anyone else. Also, it's asinine to assume someone would lie about not having a reply button; not so much to assume they might post a supportive comment anonymously. Good try back, bible humper.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, I should be more accurate; the reply button exists, but doesn't respond to my mobile browser, which is admittedly out of date. When you're an adult and completely responsible for yourself, a brand new smartphone isn't priority 1.

by Anonymous 13 years ago