+210 Quick PoliSci Lesson: A government that expects it's people to share and share alike, and work communally so that no one has more than anyone else, is Communist. A government that doesn't allow it's people to do anything other than what they think is right/best is Fascist. Some may be both, but the words are NOT interchangable, so stop using them that way, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I realize these are extremely simplified definitions, and that the basis of Communism has been bastardized beyond recognition, for those of you that knew this stuff already. I'm already going to get "tl;dr" on this, so I was trying to be as concise as possible. I'm tired of seeing people saying "commie" and "that sounds communist" when what they are referring to is fascism.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Haha I'm glad someone finally said that, sorry nobody on this site full of kids gets it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

exactly. in theory, there's nothing wrong with communism, but in reality it just never works out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I like this a lot! It's more of a fact than an opinion question, but good job!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

True, but I can't think any Communist government that isn't Fascist. It's understandable that people would confuse the two.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Color me suprised again; it's always weird to me which of my posts end up home paged. I have a couple I thought would go before this, surely xD I probably would have deleted it if I could've; I (obviously)wrote it out of situational annoyance.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

To be honest I vote this down because it was too long to read and sparknotes couldn't help

by Anonymous 13 years ago

All political roads lead to dictatorship. Fascism was as such invented by America, more so the coining of as it is something that always will be - greed. In theory Communism is nice but in real life unless the entire world went with it then it could not work. Just like Anarchy, Communism is an idealism for a eutopia. Where are on the flip side Fascism sounds terrible to most people on paper but in real life works successfully to a fruitful outcome for a while. I have never seen people confuse the two but I have seen illogical fear/hate of either or.

by Anonymous 13 years ago