+86 Straight Girls: vaginas will always be slightly intimidating to you. Even your own, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You shed your insides through it for days at a time every single month, how can that not be intimidating.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah, but, with that logic the entire human body is intimidating- it's constantly renewing itself and adapting. That's just how stuff works.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

But there isn't really physical evidence of that. You can't really tell when your body is making new skin cells, but it's pretty easy to tell when the inside of your uterus is leaving your body.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I get what you're saying, but I just don't think that's //intimidating//. I mean, what about defecation? The body has just taken matter, absorbed all the nutrients and energy from it, and compacted the rest into waste- which can often be re-used as it's own product (manure), all by itself. Either way, I think we can agree that bodies are kind of awesome (I say this in the least serial-killery way possible).

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Ew. Ew ew ew. Ew. Anyways, I get what you're saying. I'm rather squeamish with a lot of things, so I think of it as scary/intimidating as well as awesome, but I see where you're coming from.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Wait, this is really a thing with straight girls? I mean, the equivalent for me would be a penis, I guess, and while I don't like them, I wouldn't say I'm intimidated by them. And I don't even have one.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Um no. Why?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I just find vaginas disgusting and would not want to put my area near another woman's area. So if I was born a male, I'd definitely be homosexual.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This seems to be a thing in our society. People are ashamed of vaginas, even their own. There's something wrong with our education system and our society's attitudes towards female sexuality. I had comprehensive sex ed, but it was still very much centered around male pleasure. Like, we were separated into different rooms and the girls talked about birth control and stuff, while all the orgasm stuff was covered in the guys' room. My friend mentioned female orgasm when she mentioned the fact that about 70% of women don't orgasm through vaginal intercourse alone, but that was pretty much the only mention of female sexuality in the context of pleasure. No wonder people are ashamed of the vulva as a thing.

by Anonymous 11 years ago