+217 Violence should only be used to resolve an issue as the last resort, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Just before someone brings it up: This doesn't include self defense.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So I'm guessing you support the American Senator that wants to make it legal for teachers and principals to be allowed to carry concealed weapons with them at school?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What??? Of course not. Besides I'm Australian we have super tight gun laws, and they work really well. I think it's a terrible idea to allow weapons concealed or otherwise on school campus'. I don't really understand how that point relates to my post though... (I have been awake for almost 30 hours straight so it might be a valid point and my sleep deprived brain just isn't seeing it)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, they're using violence (well the threat of it) as a last resort to their problem. Is that right?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

From what I've quickly researched the school district that this started with hasn't even had an on campus shooting. So no it's not a last resort, there are other options for them, which don't included teachers bringing lethal weapons into the classroom. There are so many things that could go wrong. It seems that they're reacting out of fear more than anything and not necessity.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well the ruling would apply to the whole country and not just the school district. In your opinion, what instances would violence work as a last resort?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well if that bill does pass, I don't see it solving any problems. Only creating more violence. I was mainly thinking about war... meaning all peaceful diplomatic efforts should be exhausted before attacking (which is why I said that it doesn't include self defense, because obviously if someone is attacking you first you can't just sit there while some politicians talk it out, you need to fight back) But it does apply to pretty much every other situation as well, as the old saying goes "violence begets violence". Why do you think violence should be used before other methods and in what situations?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh no, you've misinterpreted my "no way" vote. I don't think violence should be used AT ALL, but especially not as a last resort. All that shows is that problems can ultimately be solved by violence, which then spurs more violence, and it just creates a never-ending cycle. I think that rather than letting problems escalate to the point where people would deem violence necessary, people should focus on problem-solving skills. I know this all sounds incredibly idealistic but as long as people have the mind-set that violence is okay as long as there aren't anymore options, we will always have things like wars. Especially since people will claim that there are no more options and go right for the violence (like George W and the Iraq War, for example). God, I sound like some massive hippie. Peace and love y'all

by Anonymous 13 years ago

so you support the gun law?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with you in principal but in practice it will fail surprisingly often. People always think that war is the result of failed diplomacy but sometimes national interests are just so far apart that there is no way to reconcile them.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Just a quick note. I too would love if we lived in a world where it was never even considered to use violence to achieve our goals. Alas we live in a physical realm. All our laws and rules and ideas are based on what we physically know is there. The mental realm is much more important in my opinion but because it is so overlooked now is not yet the time to abandon "violence" in all its forms. We can look forward to the day when its feasible though.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah there are some circumstances that it has to be used. Ultimately we're humans and it's in our nature to be violent... but we should make a conscience effort to solve problems in other ways first.

by Anonymous 13 years ago