+230 Immortality would me miserable after a while. You'd have to leave any area when people realized you weren't getting older and the world would just be boring so saying "I hope you die" is a good thing, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And you'd have to watch your loved ones die so you could never love anyone unless they were turned immortal, so you'd have the choice whether or not to turn them immortal so they could live with you forever and never age and- wait.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Immortality isn't that bad, after a while you get used to it. Besides, its fun seeing how much the world changes over such short time.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree. Eventually, you wouldn't be too affected by the deaths of people you cared about, I assume. You've got your entire life to get used to being immortal, and eventually you'd become incredibly wise and probably also brilliant.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I also think it'd be cool, say if you were immortal 3000 years ago, you'd know the truth about Jesus. Then you could laugh silently at all the mortal fools

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Also you could amass a huge variety of different useful skills and become incredibly rich

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The only bad thing I see with being immortal was if you still felt physical pain. Essentialy you could be toruted forever. But being immortal might include pain-reduction, I wouldn't know.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

WORSE THAN HELL. No hope. No end. I would kill myself, Oh Wait!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

1. Evolution. Eventually, humans would evolve to the point where you are the modern equivalent of an ape. You'd be a freak. 2. People would eventually find out you're immortal, and perform horrible experiments on you to try to obtain your powers. 3. Ignoring the fact that the world will one day end, the chances of you eventually getting trapped somewhere (eg. crushed and buried by an earthquake) is about 100%. 4. Your mind would slowly get weaker and weaker. You can only memorize a finite amount of information, and it would keep getting larger and larger against your will until you have some new kind of Alzheimers that couldn't possibly exist yet. 5. As you get older, the way you perceive time changes. Remember when an hour was a long-ass time? Yeah, that doesn't change. It will eventually get to the point when others entire lives go by in what feels like a few day. 6. The world will eventually end, and you'll be alone. Forever.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Humans won't evolve to be any smarter because it is not necessary to our survival anymore.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What if our environment drastically changes within the next several million years, and we need to evolve to that? What if a major extinction event happens, and a new species will evolve as the dominant species?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Then it is likely that the catastrophe will require something other than intelligence, or we would be wiped out, you seem to think that evolution can happen overnight, or that an environmental event causes variation in a population.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not necessarily to be smarter, but physically. Believe it or not, we are still evolving, but there won't be any noticeable changes for thousands of years.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Don't try to teach me about evolution. I know we are still evolving, but evolution does not equal progression, especially with today's medicine.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Did you get that from Cracked?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Aah, I was hoping someone would get that. This was recited entirely from memory, so it's likely there are many mistakes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Like The Cullen family in twilight

by Anonymous 12 years ago

500 billion years later: Earth has crashed into the sun which is now a red giant. Then, everything is quickly vaporized into nothingness, and the sun turns into a white giant, with only the remains of the solar system left. So you're left floating around in space, permanently suffocating, permanently starving, permanently burnt, with no one or thing going to help you. Forever... and ever.... and ever........... :O

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay. Depressing topics such as the near definite fate of ending up alone, in never-ending pain, or with an inability to remember anything aside; I think immortality would be worth it? Maybe. I mean, there are so many possibilities in this world that we won't ever get to experience. Learning all instruments, becoming fluent in all languages, visiting every country in the world - I think I'd sacrifice an uncertain future for all that. For the chance to have the time of your life many times over and to see all the world has to offer. And such.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I understand what you are saying. I think it would be great to live as long as you wanted and at some point choose to die. I don't know why but whenever I think of immortality I always picture myself floating around in space forever suffocating. Maybe if if it was one of those things where you just never aged and you could commit suicide when you finally wanted to die... meh.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, like an immortality in the form of never falling sick or getting injured, unless it's by your own hand? I think I'd take that. But it's funny - forever floating around in space? I always picture that when I think about what happens after death xD

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Haha... you must be REALLY afraid to die then, lol.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Maybe x3 I can't picture Heaven, nor am I actually religious in anyway, so it sort of leaves me unsure what to believe it'll be like. Though floating around in space doesn't seem all too great.

by Anonymous 12 years ago