+157 Pitbulls aren't BAD dogs... they were just bred to fight and guard, and to be vicious about it. They WILL most likely attack any invader in their territory unless you're there (with enough trained control over the dog) to give the invader the OK. And if you let your dog loose around town/the area... well, they mark the whole place as their territory. Return to Step 1, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, a dog being protective of it's owners doesn't mean they are bad dogs. Doesn't that kinda mean there good dogs? I used to have a pitbull, she was THE sweetest dog I have ever been around. She thought she was a lapdog <3 and would probably cuddle the invader to death. But she liked to kill cats, so we gave her to my grandpa and they fed her too much and she got fat and died early(ish). But she was loved there. It's how the owner of the dog raises them. I'm not sure how one would go about raising a violent dog other than some form of abuse and I don't want to think about it. So I'll use another example. Tiny dog: everyone thinks they are yappy and won't shut up. They have a yappy sounding bark cuz they're small, but it's the owner who makes them never shut up by allowing them to do things they probably wouldn't let a big dog do. The lady on It's Me or the Dog said so.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And that's where 'blame the deed, not the breed' or 'nature vs nurture' come in (I probably should have added that as well). I think it's sad when owners abuse the protectiveness of their Pitbulls and turn them into vicious yard-guards that try to kill the mailman. Yet once the mailman runs off screaming, the dog trots up to his owner, tail wagging, going, "Did I do a good job? Am I a good dog? 8D" So the owner pats his head, and the next day, Animal Control hauls the dog off to be euthanized. I'm sorry about your dog <:) My dad had a really big dog when he was younger (she was a mutt, but adorable~), but she was shot by the paranoid old neighbor when she somehow got into his yard and started digging. And a half-irrelevant point: They say Pitbulls attack their owners a lot, but when in truth, it's just that Pitbull attacks get more ATTENTION, making it seem like it happens a lot. Any dog, for reasons we can never fathom, can and have attacked their owners.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Pitbulls won't usually attack to protect their territory unless trained to do so in some way. Pitbulls have, without the training of an attack dog, a typically sweet disposition and are protective, but no more, no less.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hm... I agree, but I didn't have many characters to clarify in the post. I'm sure, at first, a Pitbull will growl to scare the intruder off, no? Or whatever other methods dogs use. If the intruder doesn't leave (which is kinda hard if the Pitbull's marked the whole town as their territory), or does something to further upset the dog, that's when I think there's a risk of attack.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No, pitbulls are actually one of the sweetest dogs, and a lot of times they are called 'babysitter dogs' because they will not attack a person (including small children), unless trained to do so.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The real question is, will they lick peanut butter off your balls?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I have a pit bull.sweetest thing..but when she sees that my dad isn't home (since he is the man of the house) my pit bull gets more defensive..I think it's kinda cute

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I hate how people discriminate against pitbulls. They are not naturally vicious, it is only when they are neglected, trained to fight and/or abused that they would ever attack, like any other dog. It is true they are built very well for fighting because they were bred for fighting, but they actually have a super sweet disposition. I remember at a dog park i used to go to there was someone who had a very sweet pitbull, and a man started throwing rocks at it because he didn't want it there with his dog.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What did the pit's owner do about the guy throwing rocks?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think he took his dog and left after trying to stop the guy throwing rocks

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That guy is an asshole

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago