-218 Double standards always favor the girl, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Feminism: It is OK for women to have more rights, but when men, that just can't happen. Screw feminists and their double standards

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No feminists want women to have EQUAL rights, not more rights than men. It's perfectly acceptable for men to want that too.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

we can't just walk around topless outside on a hot day.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

In Texas you can!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Its sad that nobody does though. When I moved to Texas I thought I would see more tits.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

@1324791 (TheLastCowboy): Florida beaches!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

yessss!! I live in texas! Wait no! Lots of fat people!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Girls can show off more skin than guys can and look socially acceptable. You usually don't see guys walking around shirtless on the street, but you do see girls in short shorts in tiny tank tops.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Being a male has its perks. Bring a female has its perks. Girls can't do everything guys can. Guys can't do everything girls can. Stop complaining.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

But, the thing is, guys have the most advantages... Girls only have a few perks when compared.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So i wrote a long paragraph but i realized how hypocritical i was. Trust me. Its equal.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Shall we have a friendly little battle? Perks for Men: -Don't have to deal with shaving everyday... Can be extremely hairy and it's normal -Aren't assumed to be the ones to care for the children in a family -There lil' pal doesn't bleed every month! -Aren't as easily heartbroken (in most situations) -Don't have to worry about the pain of pregnancy if wanting children -Aren't assumed to have weak body strength -Have less to care about when it concerns looks (girls--makeup, facial creams, are "supposed" to have the perfect body, hair, etc) -Can have a lot "bedfriends" without being called a slut or whore. -Can get wet without worrying about hair -Those men who provide money for the family--you don't have a 24 hour job unlike the wife. Her job is every moment in her life. That's just a few I could think of at the moment... Your turn warrior :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Then stop doing all those things. It's your choice.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's true that we can choose not to do those things... Make-up (which I rarely EVER apply. Probably 2 times a year at the most). but the others we can't "stop" doing because it's either seriously disguisting if we do (not shaving) or we just can't stop! (period, pain in pregnancy, assumptions about takin' care of children, etc) When you say men go through the equal amount of problems as women, it's like saying every man is equal. Yes, everyone deserve equal rights but there's some things people do that makes them unequal to another man... Did you understand what I meant?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You can stop your period, adopt instead of getting pregnant, Don't have a husband. Plenty of places in the world have women That Don't shave. Plenty of men have kids and no wife.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

1. It's extremely unhealthy for a woman to stop her period. 2. Many women prefer having a child of their own blood and so do men so, unless you don't have the blessing to have a child, most men won't be satisfied with that. 3. You could get rid of your own problems by not getting married so you go ahead, I prefer raising a family. 4. I'm not moving to another country just so I won't have to shave! Every since you start, you'll feel disguisted if you stop. 5. Plenty of wives have kids with no husband... What does that have to do with anything?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Every single thing you just said is your personal choice. And that's my point. Stop complaining about things you can fix if you're not even trying to stop them. I'm done with this. You are so fixated on saying women go through much more than men that you don't even consider how great it is to be a woman. Men don't get the joy of giving birth. Yes its painful. It's also known to be the best feeling in the world. Really, I don't know why I started this debate. I got absolutely nowhere.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How can we change something if some people are too ignorant to realize it? When people say all Muslims are terrorists, its not like its their choice to be assumed in that way & that they haven't tried stopping it. Its ridiculous that people think you can change peoples thoughts so easily. & yeah, I fight for my thoughts.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

When people say all Muslims are terroris, that becomes their problem. It's not the Muslims fault everyone thinks that. Nor his problem.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Now, I'm confused. First you said it was our "personal choice" for every thing that I had mentioned. Being assumed to care for children, being weak, and unintelligent are thoughts that aren't of our own. And I never said it was a Muslims fault or a woman's fault at all for those thoughts to be made.. I really don't understand where your getting at now.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And "my big pal doesn't bleed every month". Prove it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Uhmm... Why do I have to prove something like that? It's sorta your own personal business, pal.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Guys are also expected to have certain body types by girls too.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

-Yes, I do have to shave everyday. My face. By the way, balls are impossible to shave, so that is excluded. -We are assumed to work all day, or fight and die in wars. -We still have a hormonal cycle, yet are expected to control our emotions. -Bullshit, we have plenty, but society makes us bottle up emotions. We simply must deal with getting rejected. -I had colon cancer, deal with the pain bitch. I've passed a kidney stone, deal with the pain bitch. Birth is natural. -And? GENERALLY (not always) women aren't quite as strong. Blame nature, not double standards. -Women objectify men's looks all the time, we must be groomed too. -We have to work harder to get sex, it's that simple. Besides, it's mostly women who call other women sluts. Just saying. -You got me there... -Our job is to protect you, 24/7, even if it means dying for home and country.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In all reality, most guys I've met admit it's harder to be a girl because there's just so much expected out of us. If a guys fat and a girl is fat, people will be more disguisted in the girl for not taking care of herself while they will just overlook it. There's a lot I can say on this topic but typing it out and talking to a random stranger about it is getting a little irritating.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*overlook it for the guy

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Most people are disgusted when they see a fat guy too. But then again, most people are pretty skinny up here, so a fat person of any gender makes people wrench. I'm not saying men have it harder than women. I was just pointing out what was bullshit. We both have our pros and cons and most agree it balances out well in the end. If everybody would stop bitching they'd realize this and get over it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I would also like to point out that, since your comment was voted down by both males and females, your above post just goes to show that for whatever reason, some girls like to play the victim so society sets life on easy mode.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I didn't really understand which post your talking about and what you meant. Sorry.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The negatively voted ones, which is pretty much all of them. You know, the ones where you act like only girls are ALLOWED to have problems?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay, this conversation was supposed to end like, 5 months ago. So, there's a lot more I've learned that could add onto that list. And yes, men do have a lot of issues but, from what I've seen, women just end up with more. No matter where this conversation ends up trailing to, I'm always gonna think women have it harder because their job is to take care of the children of the family and we are expected to raise them right--the mother is always the one who seems to know there's trouble even if the nothing is said. Having the responsibility to protect and having the responsibility to care are two VERY different things and I find it harder to care than to protect. That's all I really can say.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

We have a responsibility to take care of the children too. Have you not read the news-making statistics that children who come from a fatherless homes are 76% more likely to commit suicide, get involved with drugs, and get involved with gangs than those children who come from motherless homes? Sure aren't doing too great of a job caring. Staying safely at home being "oppressed" sure doesn't sound too bad at all. Hell, that sounds kind of nice! So what if you have to take care of a brat, I work as a baby-sitter, it's not so bad. Protecting can sometimes involve dying. You know, warfare? Yes, should the government see it fit, they can forcefully send men to war. Should we volunteer, we are on the front-lines, while the women are back at base playing cards or something. Know how many female military deaths there have been in the past 300 years? Only 120, and those were all job accidents. Yes, protecting and caring are two different things. But talk to any woman over 40 who has had children and was married, and most likely they'll tell you it's better to stay at home than to have the role of protection. STOP VICTIMIZING YOURSELVES.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay, now that I reread what I said, I see where it's flawed. Women and men actually do share both jobs of protecting and caring, I just was trying to show how most of the time, caring leans toward the woman and the legit protecting leans toward a man. But, in all the time of a women's life, it's harder to be heard than it is for a man. I'm not talking relationships, just in general. Us women are never taken seriously even when we can exceed in so many areas but are never given the chance. And no, I'm not talking about the past but of modern times today. I remember my male teacher during the time of the elections in 2009, laughing about how Hilary Clinton had even TRIED to become president. He said that "she belongs at home." Now, I don't know what you think but thoughts like those are offensive. So, my basic point: it's harder for women to be expected to do things. Am I wrong?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I understand you there. I wasn't trying to be an asshole. Though, to be fair Hillary Clinton is a bit crazy and does belong at home. I mean that in a non-sexist way too. Michelle Bachmann is pretty bright though, she has my vote. Damn shame the media is trying to make her look like a moron.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So yes, your basic point is true for the most part. Unless it involves military or police work (which reverses the situation), your actions go unnoticed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hey listen, I'm not trying to be a misogynistic asshole. I'll lobby for women's rights any day. But that's not the issue of this debate. It just annoys the crap out of me when girls victimize themselves, or are just naive to the other side of the fence. Walk a mile in a man's shoes before claiming that life is SO much harder for you, the protected sex.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hehe being a female has its "perks"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A guy always needs to apologize first, girls can have GNO but guys are supposed to put their girlfriend first, guys pay the bills and are expected to make the first move in a relationship.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I thought guys were supposed to go by "bros before hoes"?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If they don't want to be slapped by their girlfriend, then yes. But normally girls want their boyfriend to themself.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Lol :) Girls actually slap guys? I have never seen a girl do that!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't agree. Each person needs time away from each other with other friends. And since when do we bring boyfriends to GNO?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's my point, girls get time away from guys but guys rarely receive much-needed guy time

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I said I don't agree. Girls don't take guys to GNO, so obviously guys have as much guy time as girls have girl time.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Of course it has a negative score, this site's population consists mostly of girls. inb4 flame war

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This made me angry. Occasionally a man pays for a meal so what?...i know its a double standard and it shouldnt happen, But if you actually took the time to read a few surveys or research on womens studies you would know that woman still do like 80 percent of the housework! and that applies whether they are full time workers or not! absolutley false.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

dont get mad! Get even! But not on me!!*covers man parts*

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Haha. Dw you have nothing to worry about.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay in Sociology we learned that women and men tend to work an equal job, without equal pay. Then the woman comes home, does most of the housework/childcare. There are far higher expectations for women, and it is almost assumed that a guy is going to be basically useless. We are STILL fighting for equality here.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

As soon as I read this, I thought "instant comment argument"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Girls aren't expected to be as talented, accomplished, and smart as guys are. It's easier for girls to get away with decent personalities and looks and a crappy job with no talent or high achievement in school. Women do most of the childcare/housework because they want to, because they're better suited for it than the guys. They can enjoy it too. And girls can sleep with several guys without being sluts. It depends how submissive or dominant they are, and why they're going after those guys.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I rated your comment up after seeing some girl vote it down. I really don't understand why girls WANT to have life harder (or seem like it) or why they WANT to play the victim. But I like your point, our lives and roles all boil down to biological instincts and build characteristics from thousands of years ago.

by Anonymous 12 years ago