+85 You should be the one to buy your first car, that way you learn responsibility, the value of a dollar, and you get yourself out into the working class. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think it's a good idea, but people whose parents buy them cars shouldn't get that held against them.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why do you need to ruin amirite by posting unwitty things?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Last time I checked, this site was for posting opinions. This is most definitely an opinion. Not everything on here has to be funny.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Depends on your situation. Say, you have the time to get a job, and aren't in a lot a extracurriculars and doing tons of crap while keeping your grades up, by all means, get a job and pay for your own car. But some just don't have the time to do that, and by the time they were old enough to get a job and work at the job long enough to get a car, it would be too late.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I just think that when they're handed cars they don't appreciate it as much as when you earn it. And I think you should make time for a job, even if it's just a day out of the week. Still, I do agree it depends on the situation.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Who's going to hire you for one day out of the week? The job market sucks right now (at least where I live)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I have a job that's only one day out of the week, because they're only open one day...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well aren't you special? Newsflash: Most people aren't fortunate enough to be in your situation

by Anonymous 12 years ago

News flash: Most people don't even try to get jobs like I have. .. When your family cant provide you a car, you kind of have no choice other than to get a job I didnt say getting a job was easy now did I? I know how tough it is so you don't have to be all bitchy.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Here's where I'm coming from. I'm not trying to sound like a stuckup douche, but I work my ass off in school. I get good grades and 90% of days I'm staying after school until 6:00 or later with a variety of activities. A good amount of Saturdays I work on sets for theatre or have a tennis tournament for pretty much all day. I don't have time for a job. But why not make some time? Here's why. Working 25 hours a week at 8 bucks an hour every week of the year for 2 years sounds like a lot of money, right? Well that comes out to around $20,000. We'll say the government takes $8,000 of that, that leaves you with $12,000. With all the work I'm putting for high school, I can get a $3,000 scholarship (over 4 years) in my sleep. I can get ten times that much even. So, I could put in a ton of hours to pay for a shitty car OR appreciate the somewhat shitty car I've been given, use it to put more time in for extracurriculars, get a great scholarship to a great college, get a better job and then pay for a car for MY kids. Which would you choose?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm sorry, but I need a job, not just for a car but also if I want or need things my mom cant provide me. I dont get handed things, and I know where you're coming from with school, cause I am involved too. I need someway to get me to the after school activities because there's not always going to be a ride. Hey, if you don't need a job then why get one? I understand that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you think I just get handed things and I'm like a spoiled brat, I didn't mean to come off like that. I'm just saying, sometimes, it's better to focus on work towards the future and take what you can get right now. How is that not learning as much responsibility as getting a job?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What Kind of store is this?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What store?..

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If my parents offer to buy me a car, I'm going to take the offer. There are other ways to learn the value of a dollar.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How about your parents get you the car, but you have to pay for the gas and/or insurance? I feel like that might be a little more reasonable.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

that's what I have to do. I filled up the tank for the first time yesterday, and I'm already realizing I'll need to budget a little better.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's not everyone's goal to get right out into the working class though. Like CapedCrusader, some people do a lot of extracurriculars to get into college and get scholarship money. That's what I concentrated on, and if I had worked I wouldn't have been able to keep a 4.0 and stay a graduate of distinction. Also, some people's parents don't want them to work during school. My parents had to work full time during their high school years and wanted different for me, which I really appreciate. And you can learn the value of a dollar way before you have to buy a car.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You can learn the value of a dollar without having to necessarily buy your own car. For example, I've been working for the past two years so I would hopefully be able to buy a car at some point. However, my father recently obtained a car he's going to let me have if I'll just pay for the repairs. So if my father lets me have that car, your saying I haven't learned responsibility and the value of a dollar? I would have agreed if you just put getting a job as a teenager, but the car part is not necessary. Also, where do you work that's only open one day a week?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's this thing that there's a different event each saturday, (Monster trucks, mud bogs, demo derbies) Its really redneck.. But it's a job.

by Anonymous 12 years ago