+176 Its kind of an unfair advantage that vibrators can, well, vibrate or even spin, but a penis cant do anything. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A penis can become hard and squirt stuff. Take that vibrators!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But penises can come in an assortment of colors like vibrators, like black or white or brown or bright red...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You’d be amazed what the latest generation of women’s sex toys can do. Vibrators have been around for 130 odd years now, and can bring a woman to a strong orgasm in minutes. The problem with them is that they over stimulate the clitoris, forcing an orgasm, but leaving it too numb to enjoy any further orgasms for some time. It’s rather the same situation as when men masturbate. The latest models are ergonomically designed so that they can be inserted into the vagina where they wriggle about, stimulating the legs of the clitoris. The other end curls round and has a hole which you place over the glans of your clitoris, which is then stimulated by waves of air pressure. This much more subtle stimulation brings the woman to orgasm without numbing the clitoris, allowing her to have as many further orgasms as she desires. The experience when using these is something that no penis could ever compete with. Still, a penis is still useful: for getting you pregnant!

by Anonymous 1 year ago