+152 Sometimes little things can hurt you more than big things. For example: you have a very old grandfather who has been sick, and he dies. Also, your best friend tells everyone a huge secret and you are completely embarrassed, and you are hurt that she would do that to you. You might actually be more upset about the second thing because it was unexpected, whereas the first thing was easily predicted. By the way, this mainly only goes for girls, but in a different example it could be true for guy... amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The last part was unnecessary.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Whether or not it was expected is a factor, but not that much of one. I would be more hurt if a loved one died rather than if my friend did something stupid. The latter is fixable: I could talk to her and figure out why she did it and move past my embarrassment. But nothing I could do would ever bring my grandfather back.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Guys: Now without embarrassing secrets.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Only the first sentence was needed really.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And because the latter is a betrayal. You still know your grandpa loves you even though he's gone, but your backstabbing friend however, that is a relationship that is broken.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I agreed with the first line, but I don't really think the long-winded example and unnecessary sexist comment added anything. Since when can guys not be upset at little things, or have gossiping friends? That example was totally unisex...

by Anonymous 11 years ago