+366 Some people make you feel like not going to college is possibily the worst mistake you could make in your life, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"I'm going to become an artist." "No one will look at your art if you don't have a college degree!" "I'm going to become a stay at home wife." "Don't be an idiot, get a degree you need it!" "I'm going to be a hobo living in the subway eating rats and befriending a box I name Charles." "Charles better have a college degree!"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I just wish high schools wouldn't completely ignore legit vocational schools and act as if college is the only form of education after high school. Not everyone is right for college. My school has a sign saying College: Not if, but where! It's really ignoring that not all students are the same.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh my goodness, I totally agree. I want to go to culinary school, and if that doesn't work out, be a housewife, but my grandpa is head of a school district in Arkansas, so he's very...ah, passionate about all his grandkids going to college. He got so mad at me once for getting a C on a math test, I can't imagine what he'll say when I finally tell him I'm not going to college. I'm homeschooled and my parents have always been very accepting of my decisions, and say it's fine that I don't go to college, but I can tell they really want me to go. It's so frustrating. :P

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Just curious here, why do you want to be a housewife? That seems so very boring and demeaning.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Boring? Heh, maybe for some people. I have 5 siblings so there's 6 kids in our house, and we homeschool. It is NEVER boring, whether it's an hour-long chase for the chickens, milking the cow, patching clothes, making dinner for 8 people, watching your sister run screaming from the rooster, planting/taking care of/harvesting the garden, snapping peas, canning peaches, helping siblings with schoolwork, making jelly and jam, sewing, knitting, going to the farmer's market, fishing at the little river behind our house, climbing trees, super-gluing your sibling's cut closed when they bust open their head, etc... Yeah. For a lot of people, that sounds boring, but for me...it's awesome. :) I can't wait till I have kids of my own.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't believe in college.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm all for college. For the sake of getting a job and for the sake of education. There are grants out there and community college to help people who don't necessarily have enough money. I'm all for education. And, it's unlikely that you can make good money outisde of getting a college degree.

by Anonymous 12 years ago