+204 E-books will eventually replace paperbacks (once people abandon nostalgia for practicality), but interactive children's books that have pop-ups, "touch and feel" textures, and finger puppets should survive, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

What do finger puppets have to do with books?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Some children's books have finger puppets in them, which the parent is supposed to use to tell the story "as the character."

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I had no idea lol.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I refuse to believe this. There will always be books.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

*paper books

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Not everyone will have Kindles and stuff, so as long as you have to buy some tablet/kindle to read a book, there will be paper books.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Am I the only one who finds it more practical to get several books for free at the library than to pay a few hundred for the unit plus a little more for each book?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Lol at practical. That's fuckin retarded. How is a several hundred dollar device more practical than the book that's 20 dollars at chapters and free at the library? Enjoy your technology if you want but don't pretend it isn't ruining parts of society we need to keep. It's all just one step after another towards the people from Wallie

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well . . . 1) Libraries and bookstores are limited. Technology is not. You can put //anything// on the internet and it can survive forever. 2)Tablets are convenient and well-organized. You can have millions of books are your fingertips and bookshelves free to store other items, decreasing the amount of clutter in your home. 3) Yeah, libraries are free. You got me there, but people like to own books. That way, you don't have to wait for it and it's always around to reread or lend to a friend. Also, tablets are expensive at first, but the content is cheaper than its paper counterparts since manufacturers don't need to pay for materials. Weather it's cheaper in the long run I guess depends on how much you read. 4) It's called "Wall-E" and it has absolutely nothing to do with the post. Don't get me wrong; I just picked up a book from the library today and always accept Barnes and Noble gift cards with open arms, but it doesn't mean I can't see the practicality of the alternative.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Huge loss of respect to you and this whole generation. Gain a little perspective, do a little research, come back to me.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm sorry, did you just say you lost respect for me, when your initial post began with, "Lol at practical. That's fuckin retarded"? There is nothing disrespectful about my response, but your's is another story. If you really wanted me to "gain a little perspective" you would enlighten me rather than give a generic and demeaning response in a way to appear superior and obviously more knowledgeable than myself. And I mean this completely, I would love to hear what I did to belittle this whole generation in your eyes. I enjoy nothing more than a healthy debate.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

(you can get books free online) arrrrrrr

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No one owns anything digital, and your digital books and magazines can be taken from you at any time.

by Anonymous 7 years ago