+171 We should make a document detailing a perfect civilisation, devoid of racism, sexism, and teaching the secret to clean energy once we discover it, so that any future civilisation can learn from it, and hopefully develop past the tribal stage before the men-are-better-at-hunting-and-therefore-everything-because-hunting-is-the-only-thing thing gets ingrained, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Of course, the document would be impervious to damage, yet easily viewed (not in an invincible container) and would be kept with a dictionary teaching the most widespread language (currently English) at the time of our annihilation. Only one language will be taught to remove language barriers. The document would be phrased so that it is like our civilisation was like that. We'd also include all the science-y stuff so that, if we didn't know about clean energy, the new civilisation would have a head start and maybe discover it before causing as much damage to the environment as we have

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Not to be pedantic, but patriarchy didn't develop until after the agricultural revolution when the first cities began springing up.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I meant the root of patriarchy. When men were seen as tougher and stronger, patriarchy was like a seed, then it only germinated in the argicultural revolution. I'm talking about destroying the seed, so men were never perceived to be better than women at any point in time.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The thing is, men weren't seen as inherently better until after agriculture began. Hunter-gatherer tribes were very egalitarian as well as the first agricultural societies where digging sticks and hoes were used for farming. When they were taking care of children, women were still seen as incredibly valueable because of their economic output. It wasn't until plow based agriculture developed that men were physically dominant over women. Women spent more and more time in the house taking care of children while men were doing the hard labor, causing women's status to decline. In societies such as in the Andes where agriculture didn't develop as strongly, as societies became more complex and because men had less of a role in the household, the men took on positions of religious and political power and elevated themselves above women.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Okay, well than that makes my point even stronger. After reading this document, which would include detailed instructions fro machinery, they'd skip that stage entirely. Before you come at me with their inability to drill for oil, they can burn wood to power steam engines.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You mean assuming we get wiped out, and people forget everything, and must start over, with this document guiding them?

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

There will always be an underlying feeling of superiority in men. It's 100% ingrained in the basis of our psyche and genetic build that bigger faster stronger equals better. It can't be changed. The only way would be if civilization was wiped out and the new homo alpha species evolved to make women equal physically. That would also never happen because making woman equal physically would take away from the traits they have superior to men, such as the kind nurturing feel that positively affects children's up bringing. In essence, killing off the thought process by killing everyone wouldn't remove the patriarchy of society, the entire genetic make up of humans as a species would have to be rewritten as well as a global reset button. It's unfortunate but also beyond change

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah but at least it there would be less importance on being stronger because a smaller percentage of our history was reliant on that for survival.

by Anonymous 11 years ago