+353 At some point in your life, "may I go the movies at 7?" turned into, "I'm going to the movies at 7.", amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Not for me. If I say I am my parents flip out because as long as I "live under their roof I will ASK, not TELL".

by Anonymous 11 years ago

For me it was when I got my license and they didn't have to drive me there anymore

by Anonymous 11 years ago

For me, I used to act really shy and quiet and if I disagreed with my parents on something, that would just be a secret and in public I would be exactly like them. Until one day I was out shopping with my mum and she said she didn't like a top I'd tried on, but I really liked it. And I suddenly realised (internal monologue) 'Hey, you know what? I'm allowed to have my own opinions and like my own things, because her opinion and my opinion and my dad's opinion are ALL just as valid, so long as they don't hurt anyone. So I can do my own thing and be whoever I want, and if that's not exactly the same as them, then that's OK.' So I bought the top. And in fact, I still have it and still wear it sometimes. And since then, I've tried to be more assertive and decisive and more like 'I'm going to the movies. DEAL WITH IT.'

by Anonymous 11 years ago

That was inspirational man, I'm impressed:)

by Anonymous 11 years ago