+62 It would be amazing if we could cut a diamond (or similarly optically dense substance) so that no matter what angle (Or just one; we can charge it with a laser) light enters from, it will be totally internally reflected over and over to all it can do is bounce around inside, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The diamond would be black, of course and would be a good, compact way to store energy, and it will work like an energy bomb if it breaks. It would also make a pretty good gamma ray (also a type of electromagnetic radiation) sponge.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I was going to comment this ^, but good follow up. it wouldn't just be black, it would be perfectly black. No light whatsoever is visible in that area. Light cannot escape it. It's an odd thought. I really am curious to this now...

by Anonymous 11 years ago