-152 Younger teachers are always nicer. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Sometimes younger teachers want to do everything perfectly since it's one of their first years, so they completely abide by all of the ridiculous rules--causing them to not seem as nice. Older teachers slowly begin to relax and not care as much about all those tiny rules--causing them to seem a lot nicer.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Wow I guess I just figured out how to strike though through what you say...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My kindergarten teacher was in her twenties and new that year and she was a right old hag. Think Dolores Umbridge, only thinner and in a patchwork dress. The bitch yelled at me for squeaking my crayons, then sent me to the principal's office because I started crying. Another time, I'd fallen down on my way to school and taken most of the skin off of both my knee caps, and she bitched me out because I kept pulling my legs up to my chest in an effort to not make it hurt so bloody much. She'd refuse to repeat instructions to "teach us good listening skills," then yell at and degrade anyone who did it wrong. And she wouldn't leave my hair alone; it hung in my eyes, which I didn't mind but which seemed to drive her nuts. She attacked me with a hair clip once in an effort to "fix" it. I say attacked because she stabbed me in the head with it and then wouldn't let me take it out again.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This is why modifiers exist.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My old biology teacher (It was her 2nd year) told us that she originally wanted to be a pharmacist, but one task she had to do was teach a class (Guess to help explain medicine and stuff to patients) She frustrated the entire class (yelled, failed, sent students to the library with textbooks all within the first day), they couldn't do anything because she was a 'teacher' and 'loved the power' She ended up changing her major because of that. That's why she became a teacher. She's crazy...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No. I have a student teacher in choir and she is a total bitch.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Nope, all the older teachers I ever had were always really nice (and easy), even some of my uni professors were better than the younger ones.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Noooo. My high school business teacher was 23 when I was in her class. She was all sorts of mean. She screamed at me for smelling like lemons. And then we found out she was pregnant. Now she works at the local hospital.

by Anonymous 11 years ago