-160 People shouldn't be taxed entirely based on income, but rather on how much they actually GIVE to the world. For example, between a musician and a surgeon who make the same profit, the musician should be taxed a greater percent of his/her income, Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Isn't it already like that? e.g. people who look after children get tax relieves for their food, people who are part of the military serving the country get much less tax, etc

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah. And you can choose to donate to charity directly from your paycheck in most places and it gets taken off your taxes.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Who are you to say a musician touches less people than a surgeon? That's completely subjective and this is, quite frankly, the stupidest idea I've heard in a while.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Exactly what I was thinking.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

That is ridiculous, because you are assigning an arbitrary value on a person's 'worth', and basically punishing creativity and art. What you're hoping for is a world where every building is a just a concrete block (because making a building look and feel nice would just mean higher taxes), music doesn't exist, games don't exist, movies don't exist, books don't exist and encouraging the notion that anything with the purpose of entertainment, beauty, enjoyment or self-expression should be fined. I guess we shouldn't have pets either. They don't 'give' anything either, right?

by Anonymous 11 years ago