+33 Don't worry. It doesn't have gelatin, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

What doesn't?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

the ingredients list some of us don't eat pork and sometimes gelatin has a porcine source. people debate whether or not the pork gelatin counts because of the process it goes through. the question is if the gelatin has transformed enough to not be considered a porcine source anymore but when something like skittles is gelatin-free it's AWWH YEAH no worries since it doesn't even have gelatin

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah I'm vegetarian so I don't eat gelatin either, just the wording of this post was very vague, I didn't really understand what you were trying to say.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The middle paragraph doesn't make sense to me. How can there be a question? If the issue is regarding the death of an animal, then no amount of processes will remove the fact that an animal died for the production of the gelatin. If the fact that it came from a pig is the issue, then that isn't up for debate, either. The molecules will always have come from a pig.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

that's one side but others argue that the source goes through enough transformation an example is with grapes grapes can be transformed into wine and wine can be transformed into vinegar people who don't drink alcohol can still eat grapes and vinegar I personally don't eat gelatin though

by Anonymous 11 years ago