-2 People who think we should “do something” about global warming are nuts. First: you can’t unring a bell. Second: what humans have done to the earth is as “natural” as the estimated 700 million tons of bat shit dripping from cave walls in underground aquifers in Texas. Humans evolved for an environment that existed hundreds-of-millenia ago. That environment is long gone. What evolves next is anybody’s guess; but we as humans are never going to __control__ nature. Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

We are fucking things up not only for nature but for ourselves.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think the point people try to make when they say that we should stop global warming is that we should do our best to minimize our effects on nature and the planet as a whole. We may not be able to undo the damage already done but we can do our best to stop damage in the future.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Minimizing our effect is essentially an effect in itself.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Yeah, fuck the planet

by Anonymous 11 years ago

i don't think humans will //never// control nature. If there is a change in nature (regardless of the cause), and we have the power to stop it, I think we should. Maybe change will bring evolution, maybe it'll bring extinction. Evolution means natural selection, which means many people will die or be unable to reproduce. I don't think that's entirely worthwhile anymore for our race.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Kinda makes me wonder. What if we started as God, created this scenario known in our current state of mind as the universe, and now with each advancement in our human intelligence as a whole and the ability to predict and control more and more things, that we're essentially reverting back to our godlike state?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Technically, what we do is natural, but its going to cause a lot of harm to nature as a whole, and possibly cause human extinction. If we reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the gasses already in the atmosphere will break down (even CO2, one of the most stable, will break down in only 100 years). And humans already control parts of nature. cloud seeding, river resectioning, land reclamation, break waters, deforestation, Mount Rushmore. All examples of how humans have carried out natural processes using technology. Who's to say we can't one day achieve full control over natural forces, or even terraforming on other planets?

by Anonymous 11 years ago