+87 It's silly when people say "homosexuality is evolution's answer to overpopulation". The whole point of evolution is that eventually, only the most beneficial genes continue. Any gene for stopping overpopulation that actually worked wouldn't get passed down! Amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

How do you know it's not working?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It might not be evolution's answer, but perhaps it is nature's answer. The difference is that evolution usually applies to a certain species whereas nature is everything as a whole. And like brunetterox915 said, how do you know it's not working? Evolution takes time.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Overpopulation is harmful as it takes resources away from the people with the "best" genes. Besides, natural selection has no purpose, goal, or any other thing it strives to achieve; it just happens.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

On the first sentence, the frequency of a gene in a given population wouldn't increase if it didn't benefit the organism that the gene was in. So while you're right that overpopulation is harmful, i can't see any way that evolution would do anything about it. The last sentence should be bolded and have neon lights around it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Of course it's "silly" because people say that as a joke. They aren't being serious when they say it

by Anonymous 11 years ago

every time I see someone say this I facepalm.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

There seem to be a large amount of people who are ignorant on how natural selection, and evolution, by extension, actually work. Humans are no longer subject to the type of evolution that you see in populations where there are significant changes over long periods of time. On an evolutionary scale, humans' time on this earth has been close to nonexistent. In addition, for a population to "evolve" it has to be isolated from its counterparts of the same species. Thanks to modern technology, there is too much mixing between people from all over the world for us to see any significant type of evolution. The world, in fact, is moving closer toward racial equality in the sense that everyone's race will be so mixed that it won't really matter if you're black or white.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

"Any gene for stopping overpopulation that actually worked wouldn't get passed down!" Homosexuality ought not to be passed down, because homosexuals can't naturally reproduce.

by Anonymous 11 years ago