+45 There's a lot of jokes along the lines of "don't drop the soap," but there's nothing funny about getting raped in prison. Amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

"The topic of prison rape is relatively common in American humor. Jokes such as 'don't drop the soap' seem to suggest that prison rape is an expected (or acceptable) consequence of being sent to prison. This phenomenon is exemplified by the 2006 U.S. feature film Let's Go to Prison or the board game Don't Drop the Soap being marketed by John Sebelius, the son of Kathleen Sebelius.[14] Songs have also been composed about the topic, e.g. the song 'Prisoner of Love' by radio personalities Bob and Tom, performing as 'Slam and Dave'." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prison_rape_in_the_United_States

by Anonymous 10 years ago

There could be something a little funny about being taped in prison. Say you're convicted of rape yourself. Hilarious.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I already explained that above "whether or not someone deserves whatever hearing that someone got raped isn't funny to me at all I think rape is heinous and disgusting and there is no way I can laugh about it" plus the one that rapes a rapist is a rapist too who probably rapes other non-rapists who's gonna go rape this mega rapist? it's usually the young and weak that get raped so the strong can claim their power what is funny about that really? how can one hear about such a disgusting act and think "haha" then you release these tortured souls into society so they can get their hahas on innocent people on the outside

by Anonymous 10 years ago


by Anonymous 10 years ago

The rape isn't funny but the jokes surely are.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

Ok for a darker mate like me, the actual rape is rarely funny, I admit. Still, jokes are always funny.

by Anonymous 9 years ago