+13 The media (in the US at least) needs to shut up about celebrity news, school shootings, and racist actions. Although some want to know about this stuff, it only perpetuates celebrity publicity stunts, more mass killings, and racism in general. Amirite?

by Anonymous 9 years ago

I agree but I am not sure we can or should do anything about it. The market demands trash. Better education would help. But censorship is problematic.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

Celebrates get paid very well for being famous. They are given perks where ever they go, just for being famous. This is not caused by the media, but by their fans. Often celebrates are looked up to by the public who clamor for news and gossip. The media who ignores this demand is not serving its investors or the fans. The media bias is caused by two things that are not likely to change. Delivering news is a business, driven by all the pressures for profit that any business experiences. News media have adopted political perspectives, which slant their coverage. This two has its roots in profit. The best we can do is to support the media that best represent our values and perspectives, and hope the others fall victim to their own focus purely on profit. A free press is vital too our republic. We as consumers of news must keep our minds open and without being caught up in the hype.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

then what? news is where you find it. search for the type of information you deem fit for consumption. that simple.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

If we do not learn from our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them. Yes I agree that celebrity gossip is in no way "news" not talking about what goes on isn't going to make it stop. It's just going to make us ignorant.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

If we do not learn from our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them. Yes I agree that celebrity gossip is in no way "news" not talking about what goes on isn't going to make it stop. It's just going to make us ignorant.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

Only stupid people waste their time with celebrity news, and racialism is outdated., and a personal preference.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

It is a free society with freedom of the press.

by Anonymous 8 years ago