+77 It's easier to stereotype people rather than get to know them as individuals, amirite?

by Anonymous 8 years ago

All muslims are terrorsists. All christians hate gays. All atheists don't have morals. All republicans hate the poor. All democrats hate the rich. All teenagers are rebelious. All women are terrible drivers... This list could go on and on. chew

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Yup. Those are a few popular stereotypes.

by Anonymous 8 years ago


by Anonymous 8 years ago

Well... young people are pretty naive. I mean the definition of it is //showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.// Wisdom and experience come with age and it's a psychological fact that teenagers make poor judgment at least some point in their development. It would make more sense for an old person to hold a sign that says, "I'm old so I **must** be wise and make good judgments all the time." That's definitely not true.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

i can hardly see how am i supposed to put you in a category lol.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Way easier

by Anonymous 8 years ago

It's very good insight to recognize that lots of people do this very thing to size up others quickly. It can make the response you get from new people more understandable when you realize that they may likely be doing it to you.

by Anonymous 8 years ago


by Anonymous 8 years ago

Black and white thinking produces that

by Anonymous 8 years ago

I pride myself on being a tomboy but I got my girly side too. I still wear eyeliner. I also dip into punk and artsy and nerdy. It's hard to pin down the Janster

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Yep! And your personality is what makes you the best! :)

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Yep. Even though I'm an Atheist, doesn't mean I eat babies. I'm just a weird ordinary awesome Human.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Unfortunatetly our conservative society that is how it works :( Affecting any kind relationships.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Simple stereotyping is generally done with people one doesn't know very well; the more you get to know someone causes stereotyping to fly out the window.

by Anonymous 8 years ago