+11 What's interesting is that a lot of countries tightened border control during the Holocaust. America, on the other hand, took in many people saving numerous lives. America has always been the land made up of refugees. Refugees of all kinds from all over the world. Amirite?

by Anonymous 7 years ago

That's what I was taught in school. America is the great melting pot. Perhaps it's just mythology.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Yes, my country is surely a land of immigrants and refugees. When it comes to the Holocaust, however, the United States has no //bragging rights// about softening our immigration policies, to accommodate refugees trying to flee the genocide going on. In spite of the overwhelming evidence, many people in powerful government positions denied it was even going on, as did many in the general //public//. It wasn't until 1944, that any special concessions were made to accommodate Jewish refugees.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

I did not know that. Thank you

by Anonymous 7 years ago


by Anonymous 7 years ago

Japan and China are a lot more homogenous. That's why racism is much higher in these parts than in America. Because integration is not normal and because almost everyone is one race. Obviously this slowly changes with globalization American is lot less homogenous. It's not like 99% of America is one race. So there's gonna be a lot more integration, there's gonna be more lenient borders Japan and China are not immigrant countries. The Japanese were the first on Japan and Chinese were the first in China. Also Native Americans didn't push any people out. They were the first people to ever make it to that land. By that guys logic, America should be all native culture. They were there first. Also, his other "logic" was to people push people out. That's normal? So that means today's immigrants can push people out? That's normal? He keeps contradicting himself America doesn't have the same values as Japan and China. As the world evolves, china and Japan will eventually have values that include integration. Globalization at work. The values here in America have always been more about integration. The forefathers even stated this in their documents. Whether they practiced what they preach is another story. Also China and Japan are second world countries. Why should a first world country like America go backwards and be like the second world or third world? Makes no sense. The goal is to progress, not go backwards

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Japan is not a second world country. The Founding Fathers didn't espouse egalitarianism. http://www.npiamerica.org/research/category/what-the-founders-really-thought-about-race http://www.nationalreview.com/article/428359/immigration-and-values-our-founding-fathers-michelle-malkin Mass immigration causes too many problems.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

I don't agree with Cezar on some points, but the Founders were "bro"-hating "Friends"-watching (ok that part is silly cause "Friends" didn't exist) white supremacists who hated blacks, Chinese, Italians, Spanish, Germans. Ben Franklin was an arrogant, polite asshole.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

I clearly stated "whether they practiced what they preach is another story

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Actually no, some of the Founders were OPENLY clear about what they believed and didn't try to hide it. Ben Franklin is one of them. He openly showed his disgust towards non-whites.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Well I'm talking about ones that apply I didn't say all the forefathers

by Anonymous 7 years ago

America is not the same as it used to be - just look at their politicians. Nowadays they tend to be either a joke or a nightmare, some are both. But if you look at their history, some of their previous politicians are consider heroes. You're not going to see that today. People have twisted the idea of freedom, and they act as if their freedom is above other's and they want people who do that. That's BS. That's not how society works, and many don't see that. Everyone is only thinking for themselves and only their benefits, and while that happens we are not going to get better at what matters. That's my opinion of it.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Disagree, Sweden (4000) and Denmark (800) - numbers in parantesis are the lives of Jews saved) were perhaps the two nations doing the most to help the Jews, followed by Russia (which was known for helping them). America and Britain did their part (Scotland moreso than England, which was notoriously anti-Semitic/anti-white). Then again those countries I mentioned are Jewish anyways. So they will always help their own kind.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Well, yes, definitely. But now the nation is collapsing, and one of the symptoms of a collapse is that citizens start worrying about restricting the country to themselves. They demand to close the borders, to make everybody speak their language at the same time they forget how to write, and a long list of stupid stuff like that. Here is a free ebook that describes the process throughout history: http://comingdarkage.blogspot.com/ It's a fascinating book, even if you prefer not to admit that you are doing those things.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

Now it's going to hell.

by Anonymous 7 years ago