-22 For the crime of impregnating a woman who doesn't love you, society will enslave you and try to starve you. Working 40 hours a week just to stay out of jail and be homeless, it's no wonder that so many divorces end with the father just killing everyone. amirite?!

by Anonymous 4 years ago

it does seem to be a contradiction… we trust people with the right to make the decision to have sex but both sides point the finger when intercourse is complete... sex makes babies... both parents look dumb when they act surprised and clearly aren't ready for the responsibility of human raising.... so Im my opinion both parents should pay money to some kind of kids charity where the kids live and to avoid damage from these clueless parents, the parents are limited to visiting every other weekend. sex is for making babies ...unless you do it right

by Anonymous 4 years ago

That won't work as soon as government tries to care for kids they have a bad life. But hey you play you pay.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

great parents are the exception … other wise we are average … I really hate saying this but a government day care sounds like a good thing … I always heard it takes a village to raise a child.. the more and more I age the more I see it's true

by Anonymous 4 years ago

anyone who takes advantage of children in this situation should be handled with capital punishment

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Daycare would be good for the people with children, I don't have any so it bugs me my tax dollars are spent on things like that and schools. Double taxes on the people who make kids might help cut down instead of tax cuts for them.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

I agree... but it's not fair for a child to be disadvantaged because of their dead beat parents

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Sure but it isn't my responsibility to pay for people who can't take care of themselves let alone their own rotten kids. That is why I think the moment you take welfare or food stamps you need to be spade or neutered.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

hehe at least must pass a drug test

by Anonymous 4 years ago

good idea especially if tobacco is on the list of forbidden drugs. People say they have no money but always have a butt in their mouth and booze in the freezer. I know because unhappily I rented a house to some of them. Bad parenting to the maxx

by Anonymous 4 years ago

The media is to blame not society because of advetising $

by Anonymous 4 years ago

you ok dude? need to talk to someone?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Any possible unfairness concerning a man impregnating a women in any circumstance aside, it is still most definitely a "wonder" that anyone would kill *anyone* **else** because of **their** frustration.

by Anonymous 4 years ago