+72 Joe Biden would get his ass kicked by Trump, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

The thing about elections is that people are motivated to support people that they agree with, but they're also pretty motivated to actively oppose the things and people that they don't. Having two very polar candidates is a great way to have a good turnout. But it also makes "winning" harder, and leaves more people feeling like they've lost.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

We need rank choice voting along with publicly funded elections and a return to equal time in the media. I don't don't know that I'd call Trump very popular. He's been between 35 and 40% his entire term. The bigger the turn out the better. A large turn out makes it harder for republicans to win. That's why they work so hard at voter suppression. Almost all of Bernie Sanders' proposed policies poll at well over 50% and he has no skeletons. He's so clean he squeaks and he has no trouble calling out bullshit. Biden has a laundry list of bad moves and can't stop putting his foot in his mouth. The more he talks the lower his numbers and his policies are Hillary 2.0.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Think about how many people voted trump into office - not because they loved him, but because they hated HC. Like I said, I think the number of voters that support a candidate is important. But the number of people that hate an opponent also have powerful ballots.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Look who he was running against. That won't happen this time unless Biden wins the primary. Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the country and Trump is under 40%. and never went above 50%. He's not well liked by anyone but incredibly deluded republicans who watch FOX and think the press lies and Trump doesn't.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Yes, but that 40% likes Trump. That doesn't reflect the number of people that dislike someone as radical as Bernie and would vote against him. Also.. where the hell are you getting that Bernie is the most popular candidate lol

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Bernie just raised $25 million in the third quarter with an $18 average. He has more individual donors than any other candidate He's been consistent on everything for 40 years. He's the only one saying he'll break up the banks and he fights for what he believes in even when it's unpopular. Nobody was talking about medicare for all 5 years ago. Who do you think got Amazon and Walmart to raise wages? He's not pie in the sky. Everything he proposes is very doable and he has a plan We can afford to give the military another 80 billion. We can afford a trillion dollar tax cut for corporations and the people who need it least and we can afford to bomb the shit out of the Middle East We should spend that money on Americans not death profiteers. The number of major corporations paying ZERO taxes doubled under Trump in fact, Amazon, the richest company in America owned by the richest man in the world is getting a tax refund. In the millions. If you're serious about wanting change for the better Bernie's the guy. That's why the corporate media either ignores him. or writes bullshit hit pieces.. They want to protect the gravy train. Bernie scares them because he's un-corruptible. Oh yeah, Trump just hit a new low in approval. 37% Polls are tied at 47% for impeachment AND removal. That's as major shift from just 2 weeks ago

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Nope,. I think Joe is eager for the opportunity to kick Trump's massive orange ass.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

He may be eager but he's a return to the same old crap and he's got a lot of baggage. which is how Trump got elected to begin with. People want to vote for real change that makes "their" lives better. We didn't get it with Obama and we won't get it with Trump no matter how much his supporters lie to themselves. Biden might win but it's very iffy. He doesn't inspire anyone, especially young voters He's Hillary all over again and we know how that turned out. Bernie's the ONLY one who doesn't and won't take corporate money. He has, by a huge margine, the most individual donors and his donations average under $30. That alone should make him a shoe in. That and being consistently on the right side of almost every issue from civil rights to the war in Iraq. He's walked the walk for over 3 decades. It should be a clue that he scares the shit out of both corporate dems like Pelosi and republicans. Pelosi would rather see Trump reelected than Bernie in the WH because she knows the gravy train would stop. or at least slow down. Forget about who his friends are and look at his enemies. They screwed him in 16 and they're doing it again. The mainstream hardly even mentions his name even though he's a front runner. If we don't elect Bernie Sanders we'll blow, what might be, the only chance we have of saving this country from corporate rule.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Big deal about young voters- they never show up anyway. It is the 55+ crowd that always consistently votes. Warren also doesn't take big corporate contributions. Bernie and Sanders should not ever get elected- they are both making pie in the sky promises that they know they can't keep.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Warren said she would take corporate fund if she wins the primary. Pie in the sky? You've got to be kidding. So, other counties can do it but the richest country in the world can't? Kinda puts the lie to that greatest country bullshit. No money healthcare but endless money for killing. No money for college but trillion dollar tax cuts for corporations. No money for alteative energy but 800+ military bases. How did they convince you that these are pie in the sky but a space force and a stupid wall is no problem. They can keep them unless we let Moscow Mitch and repubs keep the corruption at a fever pitch. Young people will come out to vote for Bernie.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Yes, Pie in the sky, Warren and Sanders both know that they have a snowball chance in hell of passing Medicare for all, especially if the Republicans retain control of the Senate. I agree that this country should have healthcare for everyone, they should have had it a long time ago, but most people are going to balk at having their taxes increased to pay for it.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

With 75% of the country in favor of medicare for all it's hardly a snowball. Med for all will cost less even if taxes go up. It may not be easy but giving up without a fight because you think it can't happen is ridiculous. They said the same thing about social security. Even republicans are in favor of most progressive policies when polled individually It just needs to be put in the proper context. When they discover it will actually cost less overall people will jump on it. Republicans will lose the senate in 2020 because people are starting to wake up. At least some of them are.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Yes, people are in favor of having it, they just don't want to pay for it. I hope you are right.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

It is true though. I mean Trump has stirred a shit-load of controversy but he does have that Charisma which Biden is seriously lacking

by Anonymous 4 years ago