+64 Jeff Bezos is not worth $8,000,000 an hour, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

That particular man did something for all that money ...what i dont like is who is gonna inherit it , or steal it like the former mrs bezos ..do u thinks shes worth 4000000 an hour

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Yeah he did something. Exploited the shit out of everyone that worked for him and dodged taxes.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

bernie sanders is worth - that an hour. people who work for it deserve it, people like communist bernie who didn;t work for it does not deserve it

by Anonymous 4 years ago

the pay gap comes from government regulations and taxation, when your making billions a 90% tax still leaves you with millions, when your making 50,000 and are taxed 50% (with all the taxes not just income) you are worse off. capitalism isn;t the problem, its communists like you who get involved and put more taxes on the books more restrictions and more laws that is hurting the people. wealthy people can avoid all that with loopholes and off shore accounts, middle class people cannot. you want to help the people? get the government out of peoples lives

by Anonymous 4 years ago

The only thing we need government for is to protect us from too much government

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Who do you think controls govt?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

How many of the 1% do you think actually works? They should call capital gains what they used to call them and what they really are. Unearned income. The people who actually work are the ones being screwed.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

His company is worth that and he's the man in charge of it, so worth or not, that's part of him. And you're only now noticing we're fucked? We live in a world that favours the rich, while screwing over the poor. That ain't new.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

He doesn't need to be "worth" it. If his value to the profitability of a business as a CEO is deemed to be worth it, then good for him.

by Anonymous 4 years ago