+141 "Masturbation: causing carpal-tunnel and high water bills in teenage homes across the nation for centuries", amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

women don't usually masturbate in the shower

by Anonymous 13 years ago

..if you have a shower head that you can take down and move, you definitely need to use that. Women who have that probably masturbate in the shower way more than men.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

o I remember seeing that in a movie and feeling intrigued, but it's just way more comfortable not to masturbate standing up if you're a woman

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Women that say they don’t masturbate in the shower obviously don’t have a power shower! This is one of the advantages we have over boys. The higher concentration of the nerves in our clitoris over a penis means that an orgasm can be quickly induced by the direct application of a high pressure water spray. For boys unfortunately, this is not normally sufficient stimulation to allow boys the same pleasure. Guys, you must have noticed your partner spends longer in the shower than you?!LOL

by Anonymous 1 year ago