The concept of "bettering yourself" has become extremely superficial, amirite?
by Dbayer6 months ago
The concept of "buttering yourself" is way more fun.
by Anonymous6 months ago
Thank you, someone who gets it 😤🗣❗️
by Dbayer6 months ago
The glow up epidemic
by Anonymous6 months ago
This is the voice of a generation bro. I feel the same. At the end we can't love a muscle or a car, or a house like we can a human being. And loving something that someone has is still not loving the person but wanting the benefits of what they have. I can't understand how people don't see something so obvious.
by vandervortangel6 months ago
God the amount of muscular men in the past few years who I have heard make a ton of complaints about how they still can't get a gf and women's standards are to high. Like no dude it's because you're still a jerk, no amount of weights and pre-workout is going to change that. It's understandable when you dissect what they actually mean. They're looking for specific individuals that fit their mold/standards. People used to complain about men who don't put the same amount of effort in the areas as the people they are interested in. The expectation was that those people were going to be interested. The issue comes when all men starts doing it. You'll be competing with other men. Whether it is the personality or the lack of viable options is questionable, but considering that this is a common theme, I am leaning towards the last potential cause.
by Anonymous6 months ago
being superficial is popular, and it's "democratic" if you know what i mean, also the vast majority of the people hate intellectualism, and also intellectuals can be a disgrace often, hence the people curate only their external being
by Calm_Age61336 months ago
I completely agree. No one ever talks about self compassion or empathy or helping others for the sake of it. The online community is quick to blame the individual for not meeting societies quoata while simultaneously gaining profits from views. It's all very sickening.
by Anonymous6 months ago
The difference is mentally vs physically bettering yourself. They're completely different, but a lot of people group them together. I've been going to the gym for 6 months, and the only mental effect it's had on me is that I have a lot more self confidence and I feel better about myself, which is still great, but I haven't magically become a billionaire guru that every lady in the world would die for, I'm the exact same dude I was before just a little bit bulkier. The problem is that these influencers online prey on people with low self esteem or body issues and convince them otherwise, leading them into some sort of MLM self care trap.
by Anonymous 6 months ago
by Dbayer 6 months ago
by Anonymous 6 months ago
by vandervortangel 6 months ago
by Anonymous 6 months ago
by Calm_Age6133 6 months ago
by Anonymous 6 months ago
by Anonymous 6 months ago