-43 If you need money to be good enough for a woman then you suck. amirite?

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Right? Lol

by Anonymous 6 months ago

The attractive woman gave him "he's got you there" kinda look. Yeah, it all happened in his imagination.

by jthompson 6 months ago

I mean it's possible something like this did happen and OP is taking some creative liberties.

by Anonymous 6 months ago


by Anonymous 6 months ago

Man, that's quite a speech. It was really cool of him to sit there and listen to all of that. What was the traffic situation like? I mean, were cars all backed up waiting for him to go? And then everyone got quiet as you gave your speech? When he looked down at his shoes, in obvious shame, did all the other drivers and passersby on the sidewalk start clapping for you? Gee, what a moment! That's really beautiful.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Yeah ok

by Anonymous 6 months ago

So, you're saying that all those who can't find a woman suck? Very mature...

by Anonymous 6 months ago

They probably can't get woman and having one is like winning the lottery. Here's an idea, don't be a lowlife. Doesn't matter what wealth you have, you're still a lowlife with that mindset

by sporerdemarco 6 months ago

I call shenanigans! If your story is true, then what are your children's names?

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Ivanovich, Julio, and Sarah.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

If you're happy with your woman then you shouldn't be writing this lol

by Anonymous 6 months ago

I hate to sound like Jordan Peterson. But money can serve as a proxy for other desirable qualities, like intelligence, drive, inventiveness, etc. Provided, of course, that you earned it yourself in an above-board manner.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

First of all, this sounds like the interaction you wish actually happened instead of whatever disasterclass you pulled off. Secondly, yes women can be attracted to broke men, but they don't marry em. They don't want some rich douche for sure, they just appreciate a financially stable man.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

That's almost everybody. We like in a time where most people can't afford to just pay for a second person now. Most of us live in dual income homes. As such, most of us are looking for someone who is independent and can pay their own bills. Needing only money might be a problem, but money being included as part of an overall package of a person is normal and smart.

by Frederickdamore 6 months ago

I'll take "things that never happened" for 500, Alex.

by No-Animal 6 months ago

No one because this obviously never happened.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

No, I'm pretty sure I saw this in a movie from the 80s where the jerk has big floppy hair and a blazer over a t-shirt.

by CompetitiveTie 6 months ago

You mean the OP right? Totally weird.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

I think women are less concerned with money and stability when they're 20 compared to 30

by Anonymous 6 months ago

I suck then. I don't care. If I am rejected (or rather when than if), I am still falling onto a very comfortable cushion. Makes it easier to get up, remain optimistic, keep up a healthy positive attitude, and try again.

by Fabulous-Crew-7307 6 months ago

As an estimate 50% to 75% of people have realistic standards and have no problem getting into relationships. The majority of the remainder don't hold themselves accountable for their failures or have unrealistic standards for partners, and represent the majority of people who are complaining online or are on dating sites. The net result is that single men have developed the perception that women in general have crazy standards. 1 in 10 women can demand a man earn $100,000+ to date her but these women represent 40% of the women on dating sites and 80% of the women complaining on TikTok. The women who don't have these standards are in relationships or aren't single for long.

by Ecstatic-Tone9986 6 months ago