+28 We as a society are far too infatuated with feral cats and it's an extreme problem. amirite?

by Trowe 6 months ago

I see why farms might need to do it. But overall I agree with you. Cats are an indoor pet. Keep them that way

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Not what I would expect from Australia

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Hunting cats? No Lack of predators? I don't think so Unnaturally large cats? Not surprising at all

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Agreed. But god forbid you say anything because the internet cat defense force brigades will come out in spades to defend fluffy's right to crap in other people's gardens and hide in the engine compartments of cars when the weather sucks

by Anonymous 6 months ago

op's opinion is common and many cat owners will agree with him.

by OkYoghurt1629 6 months ago

The killing of rats and other pests is actually a benefit, not a loss. Every farmer I've ever known has barn cats for this specific reason: if they didn't, they'd have a rodent problem. That's why cats became domesticated. They keep our pest problems down, we feed them in lean times. I think most people's cats should be indoors, but to say that they're a blanket problem is misguided. Unless you really like mice and rats and other pests.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Its been proven cats are actually bad at killing rodents, No, that study is just about city rats, not rodents in general. They are excellent at killing mice and small rats. They are not good at killing giant NYC rats in a large colony. You need a terrier or similar for those.

by Hopeful_Court 6 months ago

How is this unpopular? Everyone talking about this that I've seen agrees with this.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

You are describing confirmation bias.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

The kill programs can't keep up either, and make people hide cats.

by Erdmanbrennon 6 months ago

Love feral / wild cats.

by Dull-Awareness 6 months ago

You clearly don't have a garden, I am at war with the squirrels, little bastards destroy everything. I say let all the cats outsode

by Marquardtwillie 6 months ago

I have a garden and I want the cats inside.

by OkDiscipline 6 months ago

Right... Squirrels are cute but so damn annoying. They eat anything you try to grow, they piss off your animals on purpose, they become suicide bombers in the road. They are an absolute menace. The 3 or 4 stray cats I come across a year are not the problem lol.

by srunolfsson 6 months ago

I hate them, eating would be one thing but half the time they just dig up my bed and leave the now dying plants on the ground or they take one bite of a squash and leave it to rot

by Marquardtwillie 6 months ago