Empathy is wasted on people who purposely do stupid things, amirite?
by Adorable-Handle6 months ago
Empathy is not a decision. It is a feeling. You cannot shut down your empathy just because someone was an idiot. You either feel it or you dont feel it.
by lemkejaden6 months ago
Is this an unpopular opinion, though?
by Anonymous6 months ago
Empathy isn't logical. Said people probably just think that empathy should be given to all.
by Anonymous6 months ago
Yeah the real problem with the world is too much empathy for our fellow man.
by Anonymous6 months ago
Feeling empathy for our fellow man is not the problem. The problem is feeling bad for people who purposely do something wrong and complain when they are finally struck down. For example, a teen dancing in a thunderstorm, despite the fact it is common sense to not do that, but he gets struck by lightning and complains at how much it hurts. Why should I feel empathetic? It's not my fault he did something he should already know not to do.
by Adorable-Handle6 months ago
I think acknowledging people's humanity is important regardless of how stupid or bad they are. Like if someone robs you and shoot them in the back as they are running away, you have disregarded their humanity because you're angry not because you were in danger at that point. I do believe in the win stupid prizes type thing but I still tend to feel bad for people even if their actions were really dumb
by Adventurous-Boat79646 months ago
Even better is when people try to generalize in order to minimize the idiocy, e.g. "We all do stupid things." No. No, we don't. Some of us are just better than others when it comes to doing fewer stupid things, especially dangerous ones.
by Anonymous6 months ago
That's a very literal interpretation of that phrase though. I think usually what people mean is: "Most of us have made some stupid or shortsighted decisions in our life."
by Anonymous6 months ago
The problem is that people lie expansively about how they never did anything stupid when, like everyone else, they've done stupid stuff. They're just from a socio-economic where acting like that won't ruin your life at age thirteen. Won't even ruin your life at twenty seven.
by lemkejaden 6 months ago
by Anonymous 6 months ago
by Anonymous 6 months ago
by Anonymous 6 months ago
by Adorable-Handle 6 months ago
by Adventurous-Boat7964 6 months ago
by Anonymous 6 months ago
by Anonymous 6 months ago
by Anonymous 6 months ago