+32 If the bad breakdancer was from a developing nation, we'd be finding it endearing and "the spirit of the Games", amirite?

by Bubbly-Camera 5 months ago

Yeah but instead she came from a prosperous nation where people can generally do what they want. So what's your point exactly ?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

if someone from haiti had a phd in breakdancing and had been training for 16+ years it would be equally as hilarious to see them dance like a flump on the world stage

by Vrath 5 months ago

Yeah, I judge people more harshly when they have an abundance of resources vs someone that doesn't.

by Mario47 5 months ago

My dude, are you so out of touch that you don't realize that if she were black, the outrage would still exist, but be tinged with racism?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

My opinion: It's not that big a deal that people should still be talking about it. But that makes me a hypocrite because I'm Australian and I'm sick of the Olympics.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I agree with you tbh

by Anonymous 5 months ago

This isn't an opinion it's a "what if", and the non existent bad guys are the "woke crowd". How do you go from bad break dancing to this? You have to be trying too hard.

by hhauck 5 months ago